DAILY DIGESTVol. 13, No. 131 July 15, 1994 The following items were adopted at the July 14 Commission meeting and released later that day: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC APPROVES BRITISH TELECOM INVESTMENT IN MCI (Report No. CC-582, Common Carrier Action) The Commission has cleared the way for a significant step in building the Global Information Infrastructure which has the potential of bringing U.S. consumers increased access to new telecommunications services at lower prices, spurring economic growth and providing additional employment opportunities. Action by the Commission July 14 by Declaratory Ruling and Order (FCC 94-188). News Media contacts: Audrey Spivack and Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contacts: Jennifer Warren and Diane Cornell at (202) 418-1460. [Internet file name: nrcc4045.txt] FCC REAFFIRMS AND MODIFIES ITS EXPANDED INTERCONNECTION POLICY - CC DOCKET NO. 91- 141 (Report No. DC-2625, Action in Docket Case) The FCC has reaffirmed its commitment to its expanded interconnection policy, which creates new opportunities for competitive provision of access services that the local telephone companies traditionally have provided on a monopoly basis. Action by the Commission July 14 by Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 94-190). News Media contacts: Audrey Spivack and Patricia A. Chew at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contacts: David L. Sieradzki at (202) 418-1576 or Suzanne M. Tetreault at (202) 418-1596. [Internet file name: nrcc4046.txt] TELEPHONE SERVICE OUTAGE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS STRENGTHENED - CC DOCKET 91- 273 (Report No. DC-2626, Action in Docket Case) The Commission has adopted revised standards for reporting telephone service outages as part of its ongoing efforts to improve the reliability of the nation's telecommunications networks. Action by the Commission July 14 by Second R&O (FCC 94-189). News Media contacts: Susan Lewis Sallett and Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500; Common Carrier Bureau contact: Robert Kimball at (202) 634-7150. [Internet file name: nrcc4044.txt] ++++++++++++++++ The following items are dated for and released July 15: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCC CALENDAR OF EVENTS [Internet file name: evts4002.txt] FCC FILINGS [Internet file name: nrmc4007.txt] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARRIERS FILE REVISIONS TO THEIR COST ALLOCATION MANUALS - Comments are due August 15, replies August 30 - Contact: Alicia Dunnigan at (202) 643-1861 [DA 94-769] TARIFF TRANSMITTAL PUBLIC REFERENCE LOG: July 14 Report No. GL94-4 - LOW POWER/TELEVISION TRANSLATORS: PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Report No. 94-7 - FM TRANSLATOR-BOOSTER APPLICATIONS READY AND AVAILABLE FOR PROCESSING - CUT OFF DATE AUGUST 15 Report No. 995 - CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE REGISTRATIONS; SPECIAL RELIEF AND SHOW CAUSE PETITIONS Report No. 15852 - BROADCAST APPLICATIONS Report No. 21927 - BROADCAST ACTIONS Report No. 1752 - PRIVATE RADIO BUREAU ACTIONS - JULY 5 THROUGH JULY 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MADISON, SD, AND SLAYTON, MN. Effective August 29, substituting Channel 276C2 for Channel 276A at Madison, SD, and modified the license of KJAM-FM, accordingly; substituted Channel 291C2 for Channel 276A at Slayton, MN, and modified the permit of KLOH-FM accordingly. (MM Docket No. 93-230 by R&O [DA 94- 746] adopted June 30 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch, Mass Media Bureau) BORGER, TX. Proposed allotting Channel 294A to Borger, TX, as its second FM service. Comments are due September 6, replies September 21. (MM Docket No. 94- 56 by NPRM [DA 94-600] adopted June 7 by the Acting Chief, Allocations Branch) GTE TELECOM INCORPORATED. Authorized GTE Telecom to lease terrestrial facilities for two-way service to Canada and pro forma assignment of authorization. (By OA&C [DA 94-762] adopted June 29 by the Chief, International Facilities Division, Common Carrier Bureau) CALLER ID. Granted motion for an extension of time until August 17 to file comments in the matter of rules and policies regarding calling number identification service -- Caller ID. (CC Docket No. 91-281 by Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Comments [DA 94- 786] adopted July 15 by the Chief, Domestic Facilities Division, Common Carrier Bureau) LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS (LECs). Suspended for one day and instituted an investigation of the revisions to Pacific Bell Tariff FCC No. 128, Transmittal No. 1719, which proposes including installation of repeaters in the cross-connecting rates in two central offices where it has received orders for expanded interconnection service. (CC Docket No. 93-162 by MO&O [DA 94-775] adopted July 12 by the Chief, Tariff Division, Common Carrier Bureau) ************************* ADDENDA: The following items released July 14 were not listed on Digest 130: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS RELEASE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOTTERIES TO BE USED TO AWARD LICENSES FOR CELLULAR UNSERVED AREAS WITH APPLICATIONS FILED BEFORE JULY 26, 1993 - PP DOCKET 93-252 (Report No. DC-2627, Action in Docket Case) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC NOTICE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON CARRIER MOBILE SERVICES INFORMATION -- 29 APPLICANTS TO BID ON THE 10 NATIONWIDE NARROWBAND PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICE (PCS) LICENSES - Contact the Commission's auction contractor at (202) 637- 3221. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPETITIVE BIDDING. Ordered that selection from among mutually exclusive applications filed prior to July 26, 1993, to provide cellular service to unserved areas shall be by random selection, in accordance with existing Commission rules. (PP Docket No. 93-253 by MO&O [FCC 94-123] adopted May 27 by the Commission) GTE TELEPHONE OPERATING COMPANIES (GTOC). Granted, in part, various petitions to reject or suspend and investigate GTOC's Tariff FCC No. 1 Transmittal Nos. 873 and 874, to establish video channel service for Apollo CableVision, Inc., a company providing cable service in Cerritos, CA. (CC Docket No. 94-81 by Order [DA 94- 784] adopted July 14 by the Acting Chief, Common Carrier Bureau)