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John O. Wilson
ANE Bureau Environmental Officer

Barney P. Popkin
ANE Environmental Specialist

Mary Melnyk
ANE Natural Resources Manager



Environmental Procedures Training Manual


The guidance contained in the EPTM is advisory only. The contents do not constitute official USAID procedures, regulations, guidelines, guidance, or revisions thereto, nor do they modify or replace any aspect of 22 CFR 216. Should there be any apparent conflict between 22 CFR 216 and the EPTM, 22 CFR 216 will take precedence. (For reference, the full text of 22 CFR 216 is included in this manual.) The tables, matrices and forms suggested in the EPTM are intended to be helpful to preparers and reviewers, but they are not specified by Reg. 216. Each Mission or Mission partner may decide whether they are useful in documenting 22 CFR 216 requirements.

Download the EPTM by section:

Preface Matter and Chapter 1Adobe PDF Icon (395 kb)
Chapter 2: Screening and Classifying Activities Under Regulation 216Adobe PDF Icon (326 kb)
Chapter 3: Required Documentation: Determination and Overview Adobe PDF Icon (310 kb)
Chapter 4: Writing the Initial Environmental Examination Narrative Adobe PDF Icon (477 kb)
Chapter 5: Frequently asked Questions about the DAP/PPA Environmental Compliance Adobe PDF Icon (232 kb)
Annexes (all annexes) Adobe PDF Icon (1912 kb)
A: USAID Definitions in More Detail Adobe PDF Icon (297 kb)
B: Official USAID Guidance and Regulation Adobe PDF Icon (334 kb)
C: Environmental Compliance Forms and Documentation Templates Adobe PDF Icon (269 kb)
D: Examples of Categorical Exclusions, Initial Environmental Examinations, and Scoping Statements Adobe PDF Icon (508 kb)
E: Sample Tables and Environmental Checklists Adobe PDF Icon (420 kb)
F: Programmatic Environmental Assessments Adobe PDF Icon (256 kb)
G: Umbrella IEEs and Subgrant Environmental Screening Adobe PDF Icon (1151 kb)

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