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Points of Contact

John O. Wilson
ANE Bureau Environmental Officer

Barney P. Popkin
ANE Environmental Specialist

Mary Melnyk
ANE Natural Resources Manager




Special Environmental Assessment Scoping Team from the Regional MEO/Mission Staff training, Cairo15-17 February 2005
Special Environmental Assessment Scoping Team from the Regional MEO/Mission Staff training, Cairo15-17 February 2005

Participant Evaluations

“It was a great course, with a good combination of examples, case studies and presentations.”
- Cairo, February 14-17, 2005

"Revisiting the key fundamental environmental compliance procedures [is] tremendously useful"
-Bangkok, February 8-10, 2005

"The course materials have been very well prepared. The Reg. 216 and the ADS 201 are very well explained. This helps in understanding the mandatory regulations of IEE or EA. I feel I should be in a position to be part of the team which prepares the IEE."
- New Delhi , March 19 – 20, 2002.



ANE/TS provides preplanning/provision of principal trainers for training of mission staff and partners in Environmental Assessment(EA)/Environmentally Sound Design (ESD) and Reg 216. Several courses have been conducted in the Asia and Near East since 2002.

Courses can be tailored to specific Mission and partner capacity building requirements ranging from internal Mission staff briefings, 5 day courses for Mission partners, or 11 day Training of Trainers courses for local consultants, university faculty, government professionals, NGOs, PVOs and other USAID partners. Mission co-funding is welcomed, but course pre-planning and needs assessments will typically be covered by core funding from ANE/TS.

Asia & the Near East Mission Environmental Officers (MEO) training courses in USAID Environmental Procedures and Environmentally Sound Design

EIA Basic Concepts
Writing the IEE
Umbrella IEEs
Environmental Status Report
Required Documentation

USAID Environmental Compliance Procedures & Environmentally Sound Design

Amman, Jordan (21-24 October 2007): Pesticide and Food Safety Management Course
Amman 2007 Workshop Homepage

Amman, Jordan (25-28 September 2005): Integrated Pest Managment and Safer Pesticide Use
Amman Workshop Homepage

Cairo Course (14-17 February, 2005)
Agenda Microsoft Word Icon( 345 kb); Participants Microsoft Excel Icon ( 30 kb); Evaluations Microsoft Word Icon(61 kb); Recommendations Microsoft Word Icon ( 28 kb)

Bangkok Course (8-11 February 2005)
Agenda Microsoft Word Icon ( 366 kb); Participants Microsoft Excel Icon (16 kb); Evaluations Microsoft Word Icon (55 kb); Recommendations Microsoft Word Icon (32 kb)

New Delhi Course (19-20 March, 2002)
Agenda Microsoft Word Icon (94 kb); Participants Microsoft Word Icon (58 kb); Evaluations Microsoft Word Icon (45 kb); Suggestions Microsoft Word Icon (43 kb)

Cairo Course (13-14 March, 2002)
Agenda Microsoft Word Icon (88 kb); Participants Microsoft Word Icon (45 kb); Evaluations Microsoft Word Icon(42 kb); Suggestions Microsoft Word Icon(25 kb)

ANE Regional Course in Environmental Assessment and Environmentally Sound Design for Small-Scale Activities:

West Bank and Gaza Course (27-30 August, 2001)
Rural roadsAdobe PDF Icon (6.7 mb)
Small-scale water project Adobe PDF Icon (6.8 mb)
Small-scale construction Adobe PDF Icon (5.6 mb)
Facilitators' Guide Adobe PDF Icon(1.8 mb)

The USAID Environmental Procedures Training Manual

The USAID Environmental Procedures Training Manual is a guide to compliance with USAID environmental procedures for USAID staff and Partners.
The USAID Environmental Procedures Training Manual Adobe PDF Icon (6.7 mb)
Table of Contents and Sections for individual Download (all PDF files)

Disclaimer: The guidance contained in the EPTM is advisory only. The contents do not constitute official USAID procedures, regulations, guidelines, guidance, or revisions thereto, nor do they modify or replace any aspect of 22 CFR 216. Should there be any apparent conflict between 22 CFR 216 and the EPTM, 22 CFR 216 will take precedence. (For reference, the full text of 22 CFR 216 is included in this manual.) The tables, matrices and forms suggested in the EPTM are intended to be helpful to preparers and reviewers, but they are not specified by Reg. 216. Each Mission or Mission partner may decide whether they are useful in documenting 22 CFR 216 requirements.

USAID Africa Bureau Resources

USAID Environmental Procedures Training Manual [EPTM] for USAID Environmental Officers and USAID Mission Partners : Africa 2005 edition. Adobe PDF Icon(2.2 MB)

The EPTM is intended to serve as an informative, practical guide to help complete environmental documentation required under USAID's environmental regulations and procedures contained in Title 22 of the Code of F | Related document: PN-ACJ-016 | Earlier ed.: PN-ACY-577 | Environmental assessment capacity building program (ENCAP) | Project title: Environmental policy and institutional strengthening indefinite quantity contract (EPIQ).

USAID Africa Bureau web site for the Environmental Procedures Training Manual

USAID's Environmental Assessment Capacity Building Program (ENCAP) Africa Training Courses:

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