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Medical Help

There are an increasing numbers of physicians and hospitals becoming familiar and experienced with diagnosing and treating amyloid patients. Such providers are listed in the following tables. If you are interested in contributing information to improve this list, please register with AF.

Experienced larger institutions and medical schools

This list identifies the larger institutions and medical schools which we have been able to estimate their experience level.  These would be best to consider first.  Experience level refers to the number of patients treated and in no way refers to the quality of treatment at any listed medical facility.


Physicians or Institutions with an interest in researching or treating Amyloidosis

This list shows individual physicians or institutions who have expressed interest and/or some experience in treating amyloid patients. It should be noted that many such physicians may be researchers or have greater experience with multiple myeloma (MM). MM shares not only amyloidosis symptoms and treatments, but also, a significant number of patients have both conditions.


If you are interested in contributing information to improve this list, please register with AF .


Canada Canada
The Netherlands The Netherlands
 United Kingdom






This page was last revised on February 5, 2008