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ToxRefDB Program
Toxicity Reference Database

ToxRefDB was developed by the National Center for Computational Toxicology (NCCT) in partnership with EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), to store data from in vivo animal toxicity studies. The initial focus was populating ToxRefDB with pesticide registration toxicity data that has been historically stored as hard-copy and scanned documents by OPP. A significant portion of these data have now been processed into ToxRefDB in a standardized and structured format. ToxRefDB currently includes chronic, cancer, sub-chronic, developmental, and reproductive studies on hundreds of chemicals, many of which are pesticide active ingredients. These data are now accessible and computable within ToxRefDB, and are serving as reference toxicity data for ORD research and OPP retrospective analyses. The primary research appliction of ToxRefDB is to provide toxicity endpoints for the development of ToxCast™ predictive signatures.


Data Set Description Download Publication
Data Entry Tool & Controlled Vocabulary The Data Entry Tool provided the user interface for all initial data input into ToxRefDB. The controlled vocabulary standardized the capturing of regulatory animal toxicity studies performed across various study types. (More Information) Download (15.5 MB, ZIP) Martin et al. (2008) "Profiling Chemicals Based on Chronic Toxicity Results from the U.S. EPA ToxRef Database" Environmental Health Perspectives
Chronic & Cancer Endpoints Based on incidence, severity and potency, 26 primarily tissue-specific pathology endpoints were selected to uniformly classify 310 chemicals included in the manuscript's analysis. The chemical coverage for chronic & cancer endpoints has expanded to include greater than 330 chemicals. (More Information) Download (2.7 MB, XLS) Martin et al. (2008) "Profiling Chemicals Based on Chronic Toxicity Results from the U.S. EPA ToxRef Database" Environmental Health Perspectives
Developmental Toxicity Endpoints Based on the results from prenatal developmental toxicity studies spanning more than 380 chemicals, 18 endpoints for both the rat and rabbit were derived through the aggregation of system-related developmental effects. Additionally, overall maternal and developmental lowest effect levels are provided. (More Information) Download (498 KB, XLS) Knudsen et al. (2009) "Profiling the Activity of Environmental Chemicals in Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Studies using the U.S. EPA’s ToxRefDB" Reproductive Toxicology doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2009.03.016
Reproductive Toxicity Endpoints Results from multigeneration reproductive toxicity studies on 316 chemicals: 19 parental, reproductive and offspring endpoints were selected for ToxCast predictive modeling; 6 chemical groups with similar profiles of reproductive toxicity were identified for comparison to in vitro biological activity. (More Information) Download #1
(74 KB, XLS)
Download #2
(1.52 MB, XLS)
Martin et al. (2009) "Profiling the Reproductive Toxicity of Chemicals from Multigeneration Studies in the Toxicity Reference Database (ToxRefDB)" Toxicological Sciences doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfp080


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