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Barack Obama's Keynesian Mistake
Ike Brannon and Chris Edwards on the stimulus in the National Post.
The Optimum Government
Richard W. Rahn on limited government and spending levels.
$646,214 Per Government Job
Alan Reynolds on the stimulus in The Wall Street Journal.
Defense Doesn't Need Stimulus
William D. Hartung and Christopher A. Preble in the Washington Times.
Gitmo & National Security Courts: Poor Law, Poor PR
David H. Rittgers on RealClearPolitics.

Cato University 2009: Economic Crisis, War, and the Rise of the State - July 26-31, 2009
The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism
The perfect gift for any libertarian.
Buy your copy of the Cato Institute's pocket-sized edition of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.

Cato @ Liberty Blog

"Only the Little People Pay Taxes"
by David Boaz

"Coordinated Care: An Exchange with Greg Scandlen"
by Michael F. Cannon

"Big Business and the Stimulus"
by Tad DeHaven

January 31, 2009

Mr. President, We Disagree

President Obama says that "economists from across the political spectrum agree" on the need for massive government spending to stimulate the economy. In fact, many economists disagree. Hundreds of them, including Nobel laureates and other prominent scholars, have signed the statement that appears in the Cato Institute's ad in the New York Times, Washington Post, and in other national publications.

Obama Closing Gitmo

President Obama last week ordered the military prison at Guantanamo Bay closed within a year and appealed to military judges to halt ongoing prosecutions of terrorism suspects. Cato scholar David H. Rittgers approves, commenting: "Terrorism and insurgency constitute violence with a message. To effectively counter terrorists, we must provide a message of our own that denies a propaganda victory to their cause. Meting sound and irreproachable justice is an important way to do that."

New Cato Policy Report Dissects the Financial Crisis

Atop every policymaker's agenda is the ongoing financial crisis. Is the United States heading for a recession? If so, how bad will it be? What should policymakers do about it? What shouldn't they do? The latest Cato Policy Report tackles these issues.

  • Full Issue (PDF, 2.8M )
  • "The Return of Big Government?," by David Boaz [PDF] [HTML]
  • "Lessons from the Subprime Crisis," [PDF] [HTML]
  • "Economists Debate Roots of Financial Crisis," [PDF] [HTML]

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Daily Podcast
David H. Rittgers - A New Tone on Al Qaeda


Climate of ExtremesClimate of Extremes
An in-depth look at consistent, solid science on the other side of the gloom-and-doom global warming story that is rarely reported and pushed aside: that global warming is likely to be modest, and there is no apocalypse on the horizon.

The Power of FreedomThe Power of Freedom
Makes the case that applying freedom in all its economic, civil, and political dimensions to international development and human rights efforts is the only way to make real headway in solving the problems associated with poverty. The book proposes to unite the human rights and development ‘communities’ by highlighting the fundamental role that freedom plays in both.

Gun Control on TrialGun Control on Trial
With exclusive behind-the-scenes access, the book delves into the monumental Heller case—where the Supreme Court ruled that individual citizens have the constitutional right to possess guns—to provide a compelling look at the inside stories of the forces that fought for and against the Second Amendment.


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