Chemoinformatics | Community Practice | Research Activities | National Center for Computational Toxicology | US EPA

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EPA Communities of Practice

The Chemoinformatics workgroup is proposed to be formed in Summer 2005 to facilitate, coordinate and integrate efforts to address the challenges of chemical structure annotation (or indexing), retrieval, and mining of chemically-related data and documents, including newer toxicogenomics and metabonomics data, across EPA Program Offices, Labs and Centers. Much of EPA's public and internal chemical data records and databases currently are indexed only by chemical name (imprecise and non-unique) and CAS registry numbers (proprietary) and are not searchable by the more universal and informative metric of chemical structure. Additionally, there is unnecessary duplication of efforts and lack of coordination in the area of chemical structure-annotation and quality review of chemical information (e.g., structures, CAS) across diverse EPA databases. Finally, no Agency-wide chemical structure searching capability currently exists to enable EPA scientists, regulators, and outside parties to efficiently and precisely locate Agency chemical information based on chemical structure.

The Chemoinformatics workgroup would invite members of various Offices, Labs and centers currently involved in either chemical database construction or use, to coordinate ongoing efforts in the area of chemical-structure annotation and structure-searchability of EPA records and data, and to help chart a path forward for expanded Agency-wide adoption of capabilities in these areas. One of the first tasks of this workgroup would be to consider and refine the elements of the draft charter below, and create a finalized charter for the workgroup.

A draft charter of this Chemoinformatics workgroup is suggested to include the following functions:

Office/Division/Branch managers across various research offices, including ORD, OPP and OPPT, will be invited to appoint representatives to this workgroup who would benefit most from, and contribute most to these discussions, as well as who would serve as a conduit of information to and from their respective Branch/Division/Office.

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