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USAID: From The American People Higher Education At this primary school in Komombo, Egypt, scholarships as well as community outreach enable girls like Shaymaa (front left) to join the classroom once again - Click to read this story

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Higher Education Summit for Global Development

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Higher Education Summit for Global Development

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"Higher Education for Development (HED) is pleased to be a part of the planning and coordination for the Higher Education Summit for Global Development. The Summit will engage the higher education community and private sector partners in innovative and sustainable solutions to global development issues.

HED focuses on diversifying and expanding the involvement of higher education in global development through institutional partnerships. HED partnerships strengthen human and institutional capacity to support economic growth, poverty reduction and social advancement."

Christine Morfit, Executive Director
Higher Education for Development (HED)

"The Higher Education Summit is an excellent opportunity for university in the U.S. and developing country to build and strengthen partnerships. U.S. universities have much to give and to receive. Partnerships help internationalize U.S. universities in order to better serve their students and our society. Foreign universities want U.S. assistance to better educate more students and to build capacity to solve problems in their own counties. At the same time, the world benefits from the innovation and creative thinking used to solve real problems such as food security, infrastructure development, health issues, water quality, and natural resource use. During the USAID Higher Education Summit higher education, corporate and foundations leaders will be able to explore opportunities for new and enduring relationships."

Peter McPherson
NASULGC, A Public University Association

"I am pleased to participate in the Higher Education Summit for Global Development.

This summit provides an excellent opportunity for college and university leaders from around the country to come together and share best practices for initiating partnerships with higher education institutions in developing countries.

AAU and its member universities know that such partnerships are vital not only for faculty and student exchanges but also for international scientific collaboration, technology transfer, and economic development initiatives. I look forward to discussions at the summit about ways to expand and deepen the role of U.S. universities in working with colleague institutions in the developing world."

Robert M. Berdahl, President
Association of American Universities (AAU)

"We are pleased to be a part of the 2008 Higher Education Summit for Global Development and appreciate the work of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings and USAID Administrator Henrietta Fore to continue the effort begun at the 2006 University Presidents Higher Education Summit. Expanding the role and impact of U.S. and international higher education institutions in worldwide social and economic development is extremely important as we confront increasingly global challenges in environmental policy, healthcare policy, and international trade. Collaborative approaches which bring government, higher education, and private industry into partnership offer unique opportunities to develop solutions to such pressing concerns, and America's colleges and universities are eager to be a part of these efforts."

David Ward, President
American Council on Education (ACE)

"America's private colleges and universities are proud of their distinguished tradition of working with international colleagues to ensure that all who strive to better not only themselves, but also the society in which they live, are able to achieve their educational goals. Private colleges and universities are uniquely positioned to address important challenges in the developing world, bringing to bear the leadership and innovation that are the hallmark of higher education. We cherish our global partnerships, and look forward to continuing our good work together."

David L. Warren, President
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU)

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