Federal Aviation Interactive Reporting System (FAIRS)

What is FAIRS?  FAIRS is a highly secure, web-based aviation management information system. GSA uses FAIRS to collect and analyze the costs and usage (in hours) of the aircraft that the federal agencies own or hire (i.e., rent, charter, lease, full-service and other contracts). Annually, GSA submits a report from FAIRS to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Who can use FAIRS?

  • FAIRS is available for use by all federal government agencies that own or hire aircraft. 
  • Only users and reviewers chosen by their agencies and trained by GSA can access the FAIRS' Website. 
  • Each user has his/her own digital certificate to ensure security, and every FAIRS transaction is encrypted.

FAIRS Is Online

FAIRS v2.0 was made operational on February 23, 2007 and is hosted at the Department of Energy Facility (Idaho National Laboratory) in Idaho Falls, ID.  The new version may be accessed from FAIRS Online

FAIRS Background

GSA deployed FAIRS in April 2000.  GSA operates the FAIRS application in accordance with OMB Circular A-126 ("Improving the Management and Use of Government Aircraft") and 41 CFR 102-33 (Management of Government Aircraft).

Quarterly, each federal government agency is responsible for reporting data to FAIRS on the costs and usage of its owned (i.e., federal) aircraft. Also each quarter, agencies must report the costs and usage of their commercial aviation services (CAS). Within two weeks of making any change to their federal aircraft inventory, an agency must report the change to FAIRS.

FAIRS Reporting

In winter of 2008, GSA will publish the eigth, annual, FAIRS report ("Status of Federal Government Aircraft"). This report contains extensive data on the aircraft owned and hired by the U.S. federal government. More information on the FAIRS Report is available from Jay Spurr ('FAIRS' Program Manager).

FAIRS Operation

GSA operates FAIRS using business rules developed by the Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy (ICAP), a collaboration of all federal agency aviation program stakeholders. Changes and improvements to the FAIRS application are developed through the

ICAP's Management and Data Systems (MDS) subcommittee which serves as the change control board (CCB) for the system.

Last Reviewed 5/8/2009