Submit A Nomination

For each nomination package, please submit a Nomination Form signed by your agency's authorizing official: 

  • In the case of an aviation program, including a CAS program, the authorizing official will be an official at a level above the program, who will sponsor the nomination. 
  • In the case of an aviation professional, the professional's supervisor will be the authorizing official. 
  • And, your agency's ICAP Representative must sign each nomination form.

The following lists all awards and the criteria for nomination.

Federal Aviation Program Awards
(1) a narrative/justification of up to four pages (Arial 12 Font, single spaced, 1" margins 1" margins top and bottom, left and right) describing the size of your program (i.e., number and type of aircraft owned or hired), mission, annual cost, and hours flown and a summary of how your program meets the nomination criteria;
(2) answers to questions listed in the Nomination Criteria Questionnaire (see Nomination Criteria Questionnaire section.  No more than 4 pages)
(3) a Nomination Form appropriately signed, and
(4) a list of the program team's personnel (up to 10 people).

Federal Aviation Professional Awards
(1) a biography of the nominee no longer than one page  (Arial 12 Font, single spaced, 1" margins all around) Include information on his/her current position (title, description, etc.),
(2) a narrative/justification of up to four pages (Arial 12 Font, single spaced, 1" margins all around) describing the program that the nominee supports and explaining how the nominee meets the nomination criteria, 
(3) answers to questions listed in the Nomination Criteria Questionnaire (see Nomination Criteria Questionnaire section (Arial 12 Font, single spaced, 1" margins all around), and
(4) a Nomination Form appropriately signed.

Remember, each 'nomination package' must include:

  • The Nomination Form (as a cover page) properly signed and dated.
  • A Narrative/Justification describing your aviation program or professional.  Refer to the Nomination Criteria section, follow the outline, and refer to the sample questions for guidance in writing the narrative. No more than four pages.
  • Answers to the questions listed in the Nomination Criteria Questionnaire.  No more than four pages.
  • In the case of a Professional, a one page biography of the nominee.

Remember, anything you submit must be in Arial 12 Font, single spaced and 1" margins top and bottom, left and right. 

You may submit your nominations by e-mail, fax, or mail. Nominations must be received by COB May 1, 2009.  Please submit nominations to:

The Federal Aviation Awards Team
C/O Michael Miles
General Services Administration (GSA)
Office of Travel, Transportation, and Asset Management
1800 F Street, NW, Room G-219
Washington, DC  20405

Office: 202-219-1356
Fax: 202-501-0349

Last Reviewed 4/6/2009