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When the Board is notified of an accident involving numerous fatalities typically on a commercial air carrier, it launches a "Go Team," from NTSB Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This team varies in size depending on the severity of the accident and the complexity of the issues involved. The team may consist of experts in as many as 14 different specialties, coordinated by an investigator-in-charge. Each expert manages a group of other specialists from government agencies and industry in collecting the facts and determining the conditions and circumstances surrounding the accident. The investigative groups formed vary, depending on the nature of the accident, and may look into areas such as aircraft operations, air traffic control, meteorology, structures, systems, powerplants, and human performance. The team reviews flight recorder and radar data, cockpit voice recorder data, and witness statements, among others. After an investigation is completed, a detailed narrative report is prepared that analyzes the investigative record and identifies the probable cause of the accident. See a description of the investigative process for further details.

The NTSB now provides quick access to status summaries for selected aviation investigations.

Other current information is available for investigations in all modes, under the following areas:

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