"Some day this disease will be considered a treatable nuisance"
-- Dr. Vescio from Cedars Sinai

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For MAY we visit John Berk MD

Amyloidosis Support Groups
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Also available free via email
or at Amyloidosis
Support Group Meetings.

Welcome to the Amyloidosis Support Groups website. We hope you will find everything you need to know about what is happening in the world of support and awareness for Amyloidosis patients, care givers and those who have lost some one to this insidious disease.

It is our goal to provide information of a supportive nature, and leave the medical education to the doctors. We ask Amyloidosis Specialists to guest speak when possible at our Amyloidosis Support Group Meetings. Awareness is important and makes wonderful projects for the groups as well as fundraisers for research.

In 2004 we started over a dozen support groups around the U.S. and helped in Israel and Australia. With nearly 20 now and still growing, it is our goal to continue starting new groups, while maintaining the established groups and helping them to be self supporting and self sustaining. One of the major ways of doing this is via receiving donations. Donations are welcome for the note cards and other awareness items - and in general to help the Amyloidosis Support Groups. We are a 501 (c)3 Non Profit Charity and donations may be tax deductible (please check with your tax specialist).

The Amyloidosis Doctors that have helped us with meetings and information, and so many others, too many to mention here, are appreciated more than they will ever know. The hospitals, that make available rooms for our meetings, and all of those special people that helped us launch the web site and the meetings, from Steve, Mike, Andy, and Robin, the Madsen’s, Prices, Lado’s, Sue Smith, Steve, Jennifer, the late Jim Cashman, Ellen, Jean & James, and so many more too numerous to mention, we say a big thank you. Onward and upward, and one day this disease to quote Dr. Vescio of Cedars Sinai will be a “treatable nuisance”.

We are dedicated to the Support of Amyloidosis patients and care givers and former care givers. Our goals are to set up and help maintain peer group Amyloidosis Support Meetings, and by raising funds through donations, help the groups to be self sustaining, and on going as long as necessary. We will also set up new groups where needed when funds allow.

The President of the Amyloidosis Support Groups is Muriel Finkel, Vice President Jennifer L. Celano, Treasurer Stephen D. Finkel, and Secretary Elinda Lado. For more information about Amyloidosis Support Groups you may e-mail muriel@finkelsupply.com or call toll free USA 866-404-7539, or 630-350-7539.

Muriel Finkel
Amyloidosis Support Groups     
Click Here to Download Dr. Merrill D. Benson’s TTR Booklet
Click Here to Download the Communiqué (2002) from Mayo
Read the CAP Article "Amyloidosis Hiding In Plain Sight"

232 Orchard Drive
Wood Dale IL 60191
866-404-7539 toll free USA

847-350-0577 - fax
The people who make a difference
in your life are not the ones with
the most credentials, the most
money, or the most awards.
they are the ones that care.
-author unknown-

Amyloidosis Support Groups
1-866-404-7539 TOLL FREE USA


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