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Illustrative Examples: What if my earnings were covered by Social Security?


The following benefit examples are taken from actual Social Security earnings records and government pension records of persons who worked in government employment that was not covered by Social Security.

These examples compare the amount of Social Security benefits payable (after reduction for the windfall elimination provision and/or the government pension offset) combined with the amount the person’s government pension from work not covered by Social Security to the amount of Social Security benefits that person would have received had all of their earnings been covered by Social Security. The dollar-for-dollar reduction of the dual entitlement provision is also considered in these examples. However, any monies from pensions based on work covered by Social Security is not included in the comparison.

These examples are meant to help illustrate work histories of people who have worked in both covered and non-covered employment during their lifetimes.


Worker A—Claims Social Security Benefits at Age 65 and 2 months in 2003 (Full Retirement Age)

  • Currently has 42 years with some Social Security covered earnings
  • 38 years of local government employment—not covered by Social Security
  • $4,246 monthly pension from government employment
  • Not married; no potential spouse’s benefit; no Government Pension Offset reduction

If All Earnings Were Covered by Social Security

Present Law

Retired worker benefit:
$1,615 (based on earnings through 2002)

Retired worker benefit:
$202 (based on earnings through 2002)
--Benefit reflects Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) adjustment

Total payable:
Social Security
+ $ ?
Private pension
$1,615 + ?
Total payable:
$ 202
Social Security
+ $4,246
Non-covered pension

Worker B—Claims Social Security Benefits at Age 66 in 2009 (Full Retirement Age)

  • Currently has 18 years of Social Security covered earnings
  • Paid into Texas Teachers Retirement System for 15 years (not covered by Social Security)
  • $1,227 monthly pension from government employment
  • Widow

If All Earnings Were Covered by Social Security

Present Law

Retired worker benefit:
$973 (assuming present earnings continue until age 66)


Retired worker benefit:
$156 (assuming no additional Social Security covered earnings)
--Benefit reflects WEP adjustment

Potential widow’s benefit:

--With $1 for $1 reduction of retired worker benefit, benefit payable as a widow $877
-- Calculated as $1,850 minus 100% of $973 = $887

Potential widow’s benefit:

--With $1 for $1 reduction of retired worker benefit and Government Pension Offset (GPO) reduction1 , benefit payable as a widow $876
-- Calculated as $1,850 minus 100% of $156, then minus 66.67% of pension of $1,227 = $876

1GPO reduction=2/3 of $1227=$818
Total payable:
$ 973
Soc. Sec. retirement
$ 877
Soc. Sec. widow's
Private pension
$1,850 +?
Total payable:
$ 156
Soc. Sec. retirement
$ 876
Soc. Sec. widow's
+ $1,227
Non-covered pension
$ 2,259

Worker C—Claimed Social Security Benefits at Age 64 in 2002

  • Currently has 16 years with Social Security covered earnings
  • Paid into Texas Teachers Retirement System for 27 years (not covered by Social Security)
  • $2,007 monthly pension from government employment

If All Earnings Were Covered by Social Security

Present Law

Retired worker benefit:
$ 1,164 (based on earnings through 2002; reflects reduction for benefit receipt before “full” retirement age)

Retired worker benefit:
$ 80 (assuming no additional covered earnings; reflects reduction for benefit receipt before “full” retirement age)

--Benefit reflects WEP adjustment

Potential spouse's benefit:

--With $1 for $1 reduction of retired worker benefit, benefit payable as spouse = $0
-- Calculated as $720 minus 100% of $1,164 = less than 0

Potential spouse's benefit:

--With $1 for $1 reduction of retired worker benefit and GPO reduction, benefit payable as a spouse = $0
-- Calculated as $720 minus 100% of $80, then minus 66.67% of pension of $2,007 = less than 0

Total payable:
$ 1,164
Social Security
+ $ ?
Private pension
$ 1,164 + ?
Total payable:
$ 80
Soc. Sec. Retirement
+ $ 2,007
Non-covered pension
$ 2,087

For More Information

Social Security has a number of publications that contain additional information. They include:

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
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