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Image of a graph representing the reduction in emissions from cap and tradeClean Air Markets Partnerships

There is a growing interest in the use of cap and trade programs to protect human health and the environment. Due in part to the experience from the U.S. Acid Rain Program and NOX Budget Program, governments around the world are assessing the potential of cap and trade programs to control emissions.

Because pollution crosses political boundaries, the Environmental Protection Agency provides information and technical assistance to governments interested in designing effective programs to enhance and maintain air quality. These efforts help to protect the environment and the health of Americans and our global neighbors.

EPA has shared the experiences with and lessons from cap and trade programs with more than 50 governments from around the globe and has partnered with a diverse group of governments and regional organizations to help them assess whether a cap and trade approach is appropriate for their circumstances. EPA has also provided technical assistance on the design of trading programs that meet a country or regional organization's needs and capacity.


EPA provides technical assistance and has developed formal working relationships with many countries to promote the effective, credible use of cap and trade to reduce air emissions. EPA's partners include:


EPA has developed a number of resources that describe our approach to designing and implementing cap and trade programs and the lessons that EPA, state environment agencies, and stakeholders have learned through more than 15 years of designing and implementing cap and trade programs.

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