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Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual

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This manual provides a series of questions and answers that can be used on a nationwide basis to ensure that the monitoring requirements of Part 75 are applied consistently for all sources affected by the programs that require sources to monitor in accordance with Part 75. This manual is intended to be a living document; EPA will issue new questions and answers as they arise and may over time revise previously issued questions and answers as necessary to provide clarification. If, after reviewing the regulations and this manual, you have additional questions, you should contact the appropriate Emission Monitoring Contact at EPA Headquarters

Please note that the information in this manual provides guidance only; it cannot create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States. EPA may decide to follow the guidance provided in this document, or to act at variance with this guidance, based on its analysis of the specific facts presented.

Downloading the Manual

Note: Please be advised that 40 CFR 75 was amended effective January 24, 2008. The Part 75 Emissions Monitoring Policy Manual will be updated to bring the policy in line with the rule amendments as soon as possible. In the meantime, before implementing any actions based on the policy contained in the current policy manual consult the amended rules. Thank you.

The manual is updated periodically, and these updates are incorporated into a consolidated edition on a regular basis. Both the updates and the consolidated version are needed.

This version of the manual includes the original March 11, 1993 version, Updates #1 through #13 to that original version, and a complete revision in October 2003 to reflect the June 12, 2002 revisions to the Part 75 regulations.

Because of their length, most of these documents are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Date of Current Manual: October 28, 2003


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