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Reporting Instructions

ECMPS Additional Information

Note that, while many of these updated reporting instructions relate to reporting of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions data, a number of the updates relate to reporting of mercury emissions data and are also included in these updated instructions. On February 8, 2008, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued its decision in State of New Jersey v. EPA (PDF, 18 pp, 51 KB), No. 05-1097, in which it vacated the Clean Air Mercury Rule. EPA is currently considering the impact of the Court's decision on mercury monitoring and reporting requirements. However, because owners and operators of sources registered to begin using the ECMPS in the first quarter 2008 need the updated instructions related to non-mercury emissions as soon as possible, EPA is releasing the full updated instructions now while it considers the effect of the Court's decision. Based on that consideration, EPA intends to take appropriate action in the future concerning the updates related to mercury emissions. In the meantime, sources should not report any mercury emissions data to EPA since, despite the inclusion of mercury-related updates, EPA's emissions data tracking system will not be capable of receiving mercury emissions data.

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Please review the documents in conjunction with the XML Schemas. These documents are subject to change or further revision as needed. Please direct your questions and comments by email to Matthew Boze and please also copy Laurel DeSantis.


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