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Initial Evaluation of the Cumulus Potential Scheme at the ACRF SGP Site

Larry Berg Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
William Gustafson Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evgueni Kassianov Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Category: Modeling

The Cumulus Potential (CuP) scheme has been implemented in Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and has been used to simulate one summer’s weather at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Southern Great Plains Site. This new scheme replaces the ad-hoc trigger function used in the Kain-Fritsch parameterization with one that couples the boundary-layer turbulence and the clouds in a more realistic way. This coupling is accomplished by accounting for the subgrid scale variability of temperature and moisture within the boundary layer. Results from these simulations are compared to a new climatology of shallow clouds that has been constructed using data from the active remote sensing cloud layer (ARSCL) value-added product (VAP), total sky imager, and 915-MHz wind profiler at the ACRF Central Facility. The model predicted cloud properties are compared to the new cloud climatology, and model biases are discussed.

This poster will be displayed at ARM Science Team Meeting.

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