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US-Morocco 50 years of partnership for development
USAID Morocco
10 Avenue Mehdi
Ben Barka
Souissi, Rabat,
Last Updated on: April 03, 2009


Morocco’s First Professional Association Of Mediators Takes Off
Mediation Saves Moroccan Beach Property Investment
Mediation Saves Moroccan Beach Property Investment
Mediation Saves Moroccan Beach Property Investment
Improved understanding of trademark law render judgments more promptly
USAID helps Moroccan Sheep herders increase revenues through direct sales to supermarkets
Mediation Proven Effective in Morocco
Tarik Mossadek (au milieu) et Omar Farissi (à droite) revoient les termes de la médiation avec Chemseddine Abdati, Directeur du CIMAR
USAID helps Moroccan Sheep herders increase revenues through direct sales to supermarkets
USAID helps Moroccan Sheep herders increase revenues through direct sales to supermarkets
Parliament Engages Citizens in Reviewing the National Budget
The Budget Analysis Office is a model of partnership successes with USAID in Morocco!
Integrating ICT in the middle school classroom
Al Fath junior secondary school, Bouarfa
Rosemary, a success story in the Oriental
Mr. Jaouad Bahaji, director of agriculture programs at USAID/Morocco gives explanations to His Majesty King Mohammed VI
Training in ICT equips teachers, engages students
Training in ICT equips teachers, engages students
Access to US berry varieties expand Morocco’s production and export potential
Access to US berry varieties expand Morocco’s production and export potential
Campaigning for National Campaigns
USAID supports activities to reinforce political parties' organizational structures and give them a comprehensive vision of a national political campaign, its centralization, its organizational strategies, and its message
A Bridge to Reading: New Training Methods Boost Women's Literacy
USAID education program develops and implements teaching methods which simplify the approach to becoming literate in modern standard Arabic
Scholarships for Success: Educating Parents and the Community
USAID helped local NGOs create a network of dormitories for rural Moroccan to continue their education and complete middle school in supervised away-from-home lodging while creating an attitude change in rural parents to see the value of schooling their daughters
Morocco’s Gamble Pays Off in Vegas
The USAID New Business Opportunities' program provided financial support for designing marketing tips and promoting the export-ready Moroccan businesses exhibiting in bi-annual Las Vegas Magic show
The Sheep of the Oriental Conquer the Supermarkets
Lamb fattening trials in Oriental, lessening the burden on rangelands. Operation supported by USAID's Integrated Agriculture and Agribusiness program
Morocco’s Parliament Goes “On the Record”
USAID provided equipment to record and transcribe parliamentary sessions in real time. Moroccan citizens can now expect access to the public record created by their elected legislative representative
USAID pioneered online debates on democracy issues
USAID pioneered online debates on democracy issues

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