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Resources to Reduce Waste in Schools

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The following Web sites and publications for administrators, teachers, and students provide information on waste reduction; present ideas for classroom, after-school, and extra-credit activities; and provide lesson plans and school projects.

EPA Web Sites
EPA Publications
Other Sites
Other Publications

EPA Web Sites

Municipal Solid Waste

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
Learn how to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials around your school, home, and community.

This site explores why we need to consider a combination of solutions to manage recycling. Reducing and reusing waste, recycling, burning trash for energy recovery, and landfilling are all parts of the solution.

Common Wastes and Materials
This section of EPA's Web site contains information on recycling activities associated with a variety of materials recovered for recycling in the United States.

Planet Protectors Club
Elementary school students can make a difference by reducing the amount of waste they throw away. The Planet Protectors Club will teach kids how to recycle and reuse materials at school and at home. Additional games and activities teach more about reducing waste and conserving resources.

Make A Difference Campaign for Middle School Students
EPA's "Make a Difference" campaign is aimed at educating and engaging middle school students in resource conservation and environmental protection. This campaign helps students make informed decisions about protecting the environment in their day-to-day lives. The resources offered in this campaign will inspire students to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste—to "make a difference" at home, at school, and in the community. This Web site also includes information on holding a “Make a Difference Day.”

Your Environment. Your Choice.
This EPA Web site encourages high school students to make environmentally sound choices about the products and natural resources they use, the waste they create and the environment in which they live.

Teacher Resources
The resources on this Web site provide information to assist in teaching students about the waste generated in our schools, homes, and communities, and what can be done to make a difference! From classroom activities to starting a school electronics recycling program, these materials will help explain how to reduce and better manage waste. Many of these resources are provided in both English and Spanish.


This Web site discusses what composting is, what compost can be used for, how compost reduces waste, and other related topics.

Food Scraps
This Web site provides information about environmentally sound food scraps management, including how to recover and reduce surplus food and food waste.

Partnership Programs

WasteWise is a free EPA program through which organizations—including schools—eliminate costly municipal solid waste and select industrial wastes, benefiting their bottom line and the environment. WasteWise is a flexible program, allowing partners to design their own waste reduction programs tailored to their needs and offering partners free technical assistance and recognition opportunities.

Plug-In To eCycling
Plug-In To eCycling aims to increase the safe recycling of old consumer electronics by: providing the public with information about electronics recycling and increasing opportunities to safely recycle old electronics; facilitating partnerships with communities, electronics manufacturers, and retailers to promote shared responsibility for safe electronics recycling; and establishing pilot projects to test innovative approaches to safe electronics recycling.

Buying Recycled

Buying Recycled
Buying recycled helps "close the recycling loop" by putting the materials collected through recycling programs back to good use as products in the marketplace. This Web site includes resources and databases to help identify recycled content products.

Electronics Recycling

This Web site provides a wealth of information for consumers on issues related to e-waste, including electronics waste reduction through reuse, donation, recycling, and purchasing green electronic equipment.

Climate Change

Climate Change and Waste
This Web site introduces and explains the connection between solid waste reduction and global climate change. Additionally, there is a link to the WAste Reduction Model (WARM), a free tool that calculates and totals greenhouse gas emissions of baseline and alternative waste management practices—source reduction, recycling, combustion, composting, and landfilling.


Environmental Education Grants
The Grants Program sponsored by EPA’s Office of Environmental Education supports environmental education projects that enhance the public’s awareness, knowledge, and skills to help people make informed decisions that affect environmental quality.

Environmental Policies and Contracts

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)
EPP is a federal-wide program that encourages and assists Executive agencies in the purchasing of environmentally preferable products and services.

Resource Management (RM)
RM contracting is a strategic alternative to traditional hauling and disposal contracts, providing a financial incentive for waste reduction innovations. WasteWise offers an extensive how-to manual to help organizations gain a firm grasp of the concept of RM and negotiate their waste hauling contracts to focus on resource conservation.

Nonmunicipal Solid Waste Resources

Schools Chemical Clean Out Campaign (SC3)
SC3 seeks to create a chemically safer school environment by not only cleaning out excess, legacy, unused, and improperly stored chemicals, but also going a step further and implementing preventive mechanisms in schools.

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EPA Publications

The EPA publications below can be ordered from the appropriate Web site listed below or online.

Municipal Solid Waste

The Make a Difference Kit: Your Life, Your World, Your Choices
A resource package of materials to encourage teens in grades 6 through 8 to make informed decisions in their everyday lives. The kit includes the following resources, plus many more:

The Life Cycle of a CD or DVD (PDF) (2 pp, 400K)
A colorful poster showing the product life cycle of a CD or DVD from production through recycling, reuse, and disposal. Includes classroom and after school activities.

Science Fair Fun: Designing Environmental Science Projects (PDF) (16 pp, 263K)
A short booklet intended to provide students in grades 6 through 8 with ideas and resources for developing environmental science fair projects, specifically in the areas of reducing, reusing, and recycling waste materials.

Pack a Waste-Free Lunch
Learn how to reduce, reuse, and recycle items in school lunches and how to organize a Waste-Free Lunch Day at your school.

The Quest for Less
The Quest for Less provides hands-on lessons and activities, enrichment ideas, journal writing assignments, and other educational tools and skills related to reusing, reducing, and recycling waste for students in grades K through 8.

Plug-In To eCycling Toolkit
Provides local governments, nonprofit organizations, electronics manufacturers and retailers, and other interested groups with key information to help them stage electronics recycling events.


WasteWise Update: The Measure of Success (PDF) (18 pp, 1.6MB)
This WasteWise Update document describes how to measure waste reduction, including selecting the right measurement approach, establishing a baseline, collecting data, and calculating results. It also details how to assess cost savings, environmental impacts, and hidden benefits of waste reduction.

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Other Web Sites

The following materials provide additional waste reduction ideas, including school waste reduction manuals. Publications can be ordered from the appropriate Web site listed below and are free, unless otherwise specified. Please note, links to a non-EPA Web site do not constitute an endorsement by EPA.

Municipal Solid Waste

Educational Resources for Waste Management, Cornell Waste Management Institute Exit EPA
A catalog of educational materials on the following topics: composting, recycling, waste management, enviroshopping, waste prevention, and sewage sludge. Many of the resources are suitable for schools (grades K-12).


Composting in Schools Exit EPA
The Cornell Composting Web site teaches students and teachers about using composting in the classroom. Don't miss the section on "weird and unusual composting."

School Waste Reduction Programs

California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) School Waste Reduction Exit EPA
CIWMB’s Web site for school waste reduction is designed for school administrators (especially district-level administrators) and provides pointers for waste assessments and audits in schools and extensive, practical suggestions for waste reduction by functional area: facilities and planning, food service, maintenance and operations, purchasing, and technology services. Learn more about programs in other states or Information about programs in other states Exit EPAor view a listing of potential funding sources Exit EPA.

King County, Washington, School Recycling & Waste Reduction Assistance Exit EPA
This program helps schools start or improve their recycling programs; increase waste reduction activities; and increase their use of recycled content and other environmentally preferable products. Includes sample waste assessment and tracking forms.

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Recycling Assistance for SchoolsExit EPA
This Web site provides recycling information for students and teachers, including A Manual for Implementing School Recycling Programs (Word) (54 pp, 287K) Exit EPA, providing step-by-step instructions for starting, building, and maintaining school recycling programs.

Oregon Green Schools Exit EPA
The Oregon Green Schools initiative provides resources to help Oregon schools set up and maintain effective, permanent waste reduction and resource efficiency programs that improve school environments and communities.

Getting a Recycling Program Started in Your School Exit EPA
The University of Arkansas’ Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service offers this step-by-step guide to setting up recycling programs in schools.

American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) School Recycling Exit EPA
The AF&PA school recycling Web site offers educational flyers, posters, and a recycling video for downloading to help students see the difference they can make by increasing the amount of paper they recycle.

Waste Wise Schools Program, EcoRecycle Victoria/Gould League Exit EPA
The Australian “Waste Wise” school program stresses school waste prevention and recycling. This Web site provides a library of waste reduction checklists by functional area (general, school administration, classroom, cafeteria); 10 steps for waste minimization; a page on program management; and a discussion of program maintenance.


FundingFactory Exit EPA
FundingFactory is a free fundraising program to help educational and nonprofit organizations get the equipment or cash they need. Schools collect empty printer cartridges and used cell phones for points, and then redeem the points for new equipment or cash.

Abitibi Paper Retriever® Community Recycling Program Exit EPA
Simply collect mixed paper and newspapers in the Paper Retrievers to earn money.

Environmental Policies and Contracts

District Administration Resources Exit EPA
Sample environmental policies are available online from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB).


WasteWise Volume-to-Weight Conversion Factors (PDF) (21 pp, 236K) Exit EPA
Organized by material, this comprehensive list of volume-to-weight conversion factors for commonly collected materials will help accurately quantify waste reduction activities.

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Other Publications

School Waste Reduction Programs

Recycling Manual for New Jersey Schools (PDF) (58 pp, 120K) Exit EPA, Association of New Jersey Recyclers, 1999.
This manual guides key school personnel step-by-step through the process of setting up a recycling program. It provides all the necessary tools for designing and implementing a viable and comprehensive program in schools.

Catch the Cycle: A Guide to Recycling in Georgia Schools Exit EPA, Keep Georgia Beautiful, undated.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are the key components to a comprehensive school waste reduction program. This guide from Keep Georgia Beautiful, focuses on recycling, but does not discount the importance of reduction and reuse.

Beyond Recycling: A Waste Reduction Manual for Schools Exit EPA, Environmental Resource Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Office of Waste Reduction, North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, undated.
A comprehensive manual on school waste prevention and recycling, this document covers program management, waste assessments, logistics, waste reduction strategies, program maintenance, and case studies (all drawn from North Carolina). It provides guidance to school administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents. Several worksheets and checklists aid program implementation.

Conducting a Waste Audit in Your School (PDF) (3 pp, 21K) Exit EPA, Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Solid Waste District, undated.
A short step-by-step guide to performing a school waste audit. Administrators, teachers, students, or activists can use the guide to evaluate school waste.


School Composting: A Manual for Connecticut Schools (PDF) (98 pp, 3.4MB) Exit EPA, Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2002.
This document explains how to establish and maintain a successful school-wide composting program for cafeteria food scraps.

A Guide to Composting in Schools (PDF) (28 pp, 477K) Exit EPA>, Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), undated.
This guide provides a general introduction to how and why schools should develop a composting program. The guide begins by discussing the purpose of a waste audit and reviewing different composting options, such as bin composting and vermicomposting, and includes a discussion of budgeting issues that should be considered as part of this evaluation. Implementation topics associated with separating and composting identified organic wastes are covered in a high level summary, followed up with technical appendices that provide forms, technical fact sheets, sources of additional information, and a recent school composting case study.


The Worm Guide: A Vermicomposting Guide for Teachers (PDF) (48 pp, 1.5MB) Exit EPA, California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB), revised 2004.
CIWMB’s guide explores vermicomposting, which in a school setting can set the stage for a variety of fun, interdisciplinary activities.

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