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Ohio Legal Rights Service (OLRS) - protection and advocacy for people with disabilities
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Ohio Legal Rights Service (OLRS)
Providing protection and advocacy for people with disabilities

Site last updated on May 8, 2009
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OLRS Headlines

OLRS responds to workgroup's recommendations: OLRS advises interagency workgroup that it is strongly opposed to any type of prone restraint. Read more: OLRS opposes state agencies' recommendation to continue dangerous face-down restraints (May 8)

Restraint and Seclusion News
NDRN releases report on seclusion and restraint in schools (Jan. 13)

OLRS urges ODJFS to ban the use of prone restraints (Jan. 13)

Cleveland Plain Dealer calls for Ohio to adopt one policy on the use of restraints (Jan. 15)

OLRS sends notice to ODE to prohibit restraints (Jan. 16)

ODMRDD to coordinate with state agencies a statewide policy on the use of restraints (Jan. 23)

Governor calls for statewide restraint policy (Jan. 23)

U.S. House Committee asks GAO to investigate cases of abuse and neglect of school children (Jan. 27)

OLRS sends letter to interagency workgroup opposing state agencies' recommendation to continue dangerous face-down restraints (May 1)

COPAA releases report asking Congress to stop the use of restraints, seclusion, and aversives upon children with disabilities in school (May 5)
Read more about
Restraint and Seclusion

PLEAS case update: OLRS presents oral argument in the Parents' League for Effective Autism Services (PLEAS) case (May 7)

OLRS provides budget testimony: OLRS' testimony before the Senate Finance and Financial Institutions Committee on Substitute House Bill 1 (PDF file) (May 6)

Read OLRS' latest newsletter: Read information and updates about OLRS' case work, initiatives and other disability-related news in the April edition of OLRS' newsletter. The News From Ohio Legal Rights Service - April 2009 (May 6)

Notice: Due to the high volume of requests for representation in special education matters and pending litigation, OLRS is temporarily suspending new special education cases through the end of May. Please refer to the Special Education section of the OLRS Web site for special education information and resources.

More OLRS headlines

Latest Disability-related News

Ohioans with disabilities asked to complete an employment survey (May 6)

VA accepting applications for post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (May 5)

Resource for parents on talking with their children about the Swine Flu virus (May 1)

Supreme Court hears oral arguments in disability-related cases (April 29)

More latest disability-related news

Upcoming Events

ACVO/Merial National Service Dog Eye Exam (May 3 - 9, Columbus)

Improving School-based Transition Services for Students with Disabilities - A Training for Parent Group Leaders (May 9, Columbus)

Living In the New Normal: Supporting Children Through Trauma and Loss Institute (May 11 - 12, Columbus)

More upcoming events

What is the Ohio Legal Rights Service?

The Ohio Legal Rights Service (OLRS) is an independent state agency and the federally and state designated Protection and Advocacy system and Client Assistance Program for people with disabilities in the State of Ohio. The mission of OLRS is to protect and advocate, in partnership with people with disabilities, for their human, civil and legal rights. Learn more about OLRS' services and programs and OLRS' priorities.

How can OLRS help you?

OLRS provides information about advocating for the rights of people with disabilities through the agency's publications and advocacy resources. OLRS also offers advocacy services that are free and confidential. Services range from information and referral, to mediation and negotiation, to legal advocacy. If you are having problems that are related to you or your family member's disability, OLRS may be able to help. To learn more, refer to Need our Help?.

OLRS Contact and Agency Information

Ohio Legal Rights Service
50 West Broad Street, Suite 1400
Columbus, Ohio 43215-5923
Phone: 614-466-7264 or 1-800-282-9181 (toll-free in Ohio only)
TTY: 614-728-2553 or 1-800-858-3542
Directions to Ohio Legal Rights Service

See the Contact OLRS section for additional contact information.

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Case files and other client based information at OLRS are confidential under both state and federal law. Client communication with OLRS, including an initial request for services, is privileged as if between attorney and client or pursuant to statute and rule governing the Ombudsman section of OLRS.

Other information that records the agency's activities, such as fiscal matters, may be subject to disclosure under the Ohio Public Records Act. See the OLRS Privacy Policy/Disclaimer Statement for more information.

The information provided on this Web site is not a substitute for legal advice. You should consult with a lawyer concerning your rights in a specific case. Contact your local bar association or visit the Ohio State Bar Association Web site to find a lawyer in your area.

Ohio Legal Rights Service is authorized and funded to provide services by, and manages this Web site with funds through, the following State and federal laws: Ohio Revised Code section 5123.60; Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act), Public Law 88-164, 42 USC 6000 et seq., administered by the Administration for Children and Families; Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Act, Public Law 99-319, 42 USC 10801 et seq., administered by the Center for Mental Health Services of the U.S. Department of Human Services; and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, Public Law 93-112, 42 USC 701 et seq., administered by the Office of Education Services and the Rehabilitation Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Education.

Ohio Legal Rights Service does not discriminate in provision of service or employment because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, military service, disability, or age.

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