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Welcome to Southern Coast ATTC
Serving Alabama, Florida
and Mississippi

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The Southern Coast Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Southern Coast ATTC) serves addiction treatment professionals in its region through a variety of avenues. It offers training and technical assistance tailored to meet the workforce needs of the region. The areas of particular emphasis for training programs are planned: 1) to support the adoption of evidence-based addiction treatment practices; 2) to enhance clinical supervision; 3) to promote a recovery-oriented system of care; 4) to enhance the clinical and cultural competencies of addiction counselors; and 5) to develop emerging leaders for the addiction field.

Southern Coast ATTC's main office is located in Tallahassee, Florida and is operated through a partnership between: The Florida Certification Board, the single organization that certifies addiction professionals in the State of Florida; and The University of Alabama at Birmingham through the Substance Abuse Programs within the Department of Psychiatry, UAB School of Medicine.

Other initiatives of the Southern Coast ATTC include the Leadership Institute, advancing the use of evidence-based practices, workforce development activities, and supporting existing regional schools of addiction studies.


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