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Welcome to Pacific Southwest ATTC
Serving Arizona and California

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The Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Pacific Southwest) is designed to enhance knowledge and expertise in addiction treatment and recovery by disseminating clinical and research information. We also develop, revise and distribute curricula based on research products and form partnerships with local and regional stakeholders to ensure that the training needs of the region are identified and met.

The goals of Pacific Southwest are to:

  • Develop an infrastructure to assess the needs of the region and promote technology transfer of proven treatment services
  • Enhance knowledge and expertise in addiction treatment and recovery services by disseminating clinical and research information
  • Upgrade the standards of professional practice for addiction workers to increase the number, quality, and cultural competence of substance abuse treatment professionals
  • Develop scientifically-based substance use disorders curricula and encourage academic institutions to train and educate pre-service students and practitioners

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PowerPoint Gallery - Collected from PSATTC Trainings and Presentations

Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy

Integrated Substance Abuse Programs

Meth Inside Out

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