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Welcome to Northwest Frontier ATTC
Serving Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Pacific Islands

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The Northwest Frontier ATTC is a project of Oregon Health and Science University's (OHSU) Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.  Our mission is to help addictions counselors, program administrators, educators and others stay connected to the latest research and information on what works in addiction treatment, and to help facilitate systems change and improvement. Northwest Frontier serves its region by:

  • Increasing the knowledge and skills of addiction treatment practitioners by disseminating state-of-the-art research and by providing evidence-based workforce education.
  • Heightening the awareness, knowledge, and skills of all professionals who can intervene in the lives of people with substance use disorders.
  • Fostering alliances among practitioners, researchers, policy makers, funders, and consumers to support and implement best treatment practices.


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