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Pre-order The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy on Blu-ray

The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy on Blu-rayHere it is at last! Blu-ray devotees can now pre-order Peter Jackson's fantasy epic, The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy, on high-definition Blu-ray.

The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy on Blu-ray

Dear Customers, A strange thing happened on the way to the paperless society. We humans created more paper than ever before. Computer printers (and their evil companion, the ink-toner cartridge) have proliferated, and most of us routinely print out and lug around loads of personal and professional documents. Why? It’s not that buying printers or changing ink-toner cartridges is fun. It’s because reading on paper is better than reading on traditional computer displays. Printing has been worth the hassle. Kindle starts to change that. People who see Kindle’s display for the first time do a double-take. It looks and reads like real paper. People who swore they would never read books on computers are reading books on Kindle in numbers far greater than we ever expected. And they’re now starting to ask: If I can carry my whole library around on my Kindle, how about I carry all my personal and professional documents there too? We’re excited to announce Kindle DX, the large screen addition to the Kindle family. Kindle DX’s display is two and a half times the size of the Kindle display. The display is large enough that you can read PDF files natively without scrolling, panning, or zooming, and without re-flowing, which destroys the original structure of the document. Text and images are amazingly sharp, and you can carry all your personal and professional documents with you in one slender package. Kindle DX is also terrific for reading books, magazines, and newspapers. The Kindle Store has more than 275,000 books to choose from, including 107 of 112 New York Times bestsellers. Thin as a magazine, Kindle DX holds up to 3,500 books. The larger screen size especially benefits highly formatted books like cook books, computer books, and text books. Kindle DX is wireless so you can think of a book and start reading it in under a minute. Email personal documents to your Kindle DX, and they too will be delivered wirelessly. Our vision is every book ever printed, in any language, all available in less than 60 seconds. Inching a bit closer to a paperless society sounds good too. We hope you enjoy this new addition to the Kindle family. Sincerely, Jeff Bezos Founder, Amazon.com
Amazon Kindle Amazon Kindle DX Amazon Kindle DX Amazon Kindle DX Amazon Kindle DX Amazon Kindle DX