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Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS)
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Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) Handbook

SSNVS Handbook (246 KB) Adobe Reader icon

Table of Contents

red arrowSSNVS Front Cover
red arrowContact Information
red arrowWhat is SSNVS and BSO?
red arrowSystem Requirements
red arrowSecurity
red arrowSSNVS/BSO Availability
red arrowRegistration
red arrowAccess to SSNVS
red arrowLogging into SSNVS
red arrowUsing SSNVS
red arrowSubmission File Format
red arrowReturned File Format
red arrowSSN Verification Results
red arrowStatus and Retrieval Options
red arrowStatus and Retrieval Results
red arrowWhat to Do If an SSN Fails to Verify
red arrowLogging Out
red arrowSSNVS News
red arrowGetting Help
red arrowEmployer Reporting Information
red arrowMaintaining Your Registration Information
red arrowGlossary of Terms
red arrowAppendix A: Additional Verification Options


Visit the Employer W-2 Filing Instructions & Information web page for additional information. Select the Learn How to E-File Using Business Services Online link for an online tour of BSO. You will need Microsoft Word or Adobe Reader (version 5.0 or higher recommended) to view the BSO Tutorial. For a free copy of Adobe Reader, go to

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