About the Office of Strategic Planning  
Learn about who we are.
The Office of Strategic Planning is the executive and support team responsible for managing the day-to-day strategic planning function of the Postal Service. The Office of Strategic Planning contains the following groups:
Strategic Business Planning
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW RM 5106
Washington, DC 20260-5106

This is the leadership team responsible for developing insight on external trends which may impact the Postal Service in the future. The team manages compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), focusing on the development of performance targets, measurement systems as reported in the Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations. The team integrates information across functions and assists in the development of functional strategies and plans.

Policy Strategies
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW RM 5116
Washington, DC 20260-5116

This is the leadership and support team responsible for monitoring and tracking implementation of the Postal Act of 2006. This team gathers and tracks external stakeholders' input for use in the development of strategies, supports the communication of Postal Service™ strategies throughout the organization, and ensures that strategic planning documents are distributed to appropriate external audiences.

Postal Transformation
475 L'Enfant Plaza SW RM 5126
Washington, DC 20260-5126

This is the leadership and support team responsible for managing the Transformation Initiatives across the USPS, as illustrated by the Vision 2013 Five-Year Strategic plan. It also manages the development of the Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at transformation@usps.gov.