Innovations in Education: Successful Magnet High Schools
September 2008
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Common Elements and Strategies in The Profiled Magnet High Schools

The eight schools presented in this guide exemplify successful magnet programs that provide students with opportunities for rigorous learning experiences. Working with the district and community, each school has developed an innovative curriculum designed for a student body from diverse socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. Students and teachers are both held to high expectations for achievement and performance. Inspiring curriculum and meaningful classroom activities engage and motivate students to do their best work. Reaching out to university, business, and community partners helps these schools leverage resources so they can offer top-notch career and college preparatory programs. In their communities, they are trailblazers making a positive impact. They show what is possible when administrators, teachers, and the community work together to create an outstanding high school.

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Last Modified: 12/15/2008