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Datasets: National Study of Postsecondary Faculty 1993 and 1998

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Table Files: TPF/CPF

The Gender and Racial/Ethnic Composition of Postsecondary Instructional Faculty and Staff: 1992–98

Report tables
1a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by gender and by type of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t1a_92

1b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by gender and by type of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t1b_92

2a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by gender and by type and control of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t2a_92

2b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by gender and by type and control of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t2b_92

3a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff in 4-year institutions, by gender and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t3a_92

3b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff in 4-year institutions, by gender and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t3b_92

4a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff in 2-year institutions, by gender and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t4a_92

4b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff in 2-year institutions, by gender and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t4b_92

5a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by race/ethnicity and by type of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t5a_92

5b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by race/ethnicity and by type of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t5b_92

6a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff, by race/ethnicity and by type and control of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t6a_92

6b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff, by race/ethnicity and by type and control of institution: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t6b_92

7a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff in 4-year institutions, by race/ethnicity and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t7a_92

7b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff in 4-year institutions, by race/ethnicity and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t7b_92

8a Percentage distribution of full-time instructional faculty and staff in 2-year institutions, by race/ethnicity and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t8a_92

8b Percentage distribution of part-time instructional faculty and staff in 2-year institutions, by race/ethnicity and by program area: Fall 1992 and fall 1998 t8b_92

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