ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS)
Washington, District of Columbia
Date Joined: October 26, 2005

The Council of the Great City Schools is a coalition of 65 of the nation's largest urban public school systems. In partnership with ENERGY STAR, the Council has launched a national effort to bring the financial and environmental benefits of superior energy management to its member school districts. In support of the ENERGY STAR Challenge and in coordination with EPA, the Council:

  • Encourages member school districts to improve their energy efficiency 10, 20, or 30 percent, using EPA's energy performance rating system;
  • Trains members on the use of EPA's energy performance rating system;
  • Recognizes members that achieve energy efficiency improvements of 10 percent or more during the annual meetings of Chief Financial and Chief Operating Officers; and
  • Educates members about the benefits of energy efficiency in new and existing buildings through the Council website, conferences, newsletters and other outreach channels.

Founded in 1956 and incorporated in 1961, the Council is located in Washington D.C., where it works to promote urban education through legislation, research, media relations, instruction, management, technology, and other special projects designed to improve the quality of urban education. The Council serves as the national voice for urban educators, providing ways to share promising practices and address common concerns.

Contact Information:
Michael Casserly
202-393-2427 (phone) (email)