ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

Aurora Public Schools
Aurora, Colorado
Date Joined: October 21, 2008

Aurora Public Schools (APS) is the 6th largest public K-12 school district in Colorado. Our intended audience includes students, teachers, administrators, professional, clerical and technical staff, parents and the community.

We are in the process of creating and enhancing an energy and resource conservation website. As we move forward, our plan is to review the many tools and resources available through ENERGY STAR and use these resources to help drive cultural change through awareness and education. We have also developed a number of internal documents including energy saving tips for teachers and students, recently adopted district energy standards, and building shut-down checklists.

We are also currently publishing on the website a monthly energy data report which lists approx 62 schools and support sites, and highlights baseline energy performance from 2007-08 along with a targeted 10% reduction goal for the 2008-09 school year.


Finally we have created a detailed communications plan that includes special events and promotions.

We will be reviewing and adopting ENERGY STAR resources over the next several week.

Contact Information:
Bo Bacon
303-367-3000 (phone) (email)