ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

Town of Chelmsford, MA
Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Date Joined: July 30, 2008

The Town of Chelmsford has recently appointed an Energy Conservation Commission to assist the Town with identifying, designing and implementing programs and projects for energy efficiency, and renewable energy generation. These programs and projects may include all forms of energy use: electricity, natural gas and heating oil, and transportation fuels.

We have communicated all efforts of energy programs including rebates and savings to the Finance Committee and Town Selectmen. The Town has also attended Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA) roundtable discussions which include members from other local Town Facilities Departments to compare and share ideas on energy savings.

In May 2008, an energy audit was conducted by the Division of Energy Resources (DOER) which provides technical assistance for all buildings owned and operated by the Town. Technical assistance includes benchmarking of structures, providing list of energy efficiency measures, their costs, estimated energy savings and funding sources such as utility rebates.

Contact Information:
Gary Persichetti
978-244-3380 (phone) (email)