ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

General Services Administration - Region 1
Boston, Massachusetts
Date Joined: June 29, 2008

General Services Administration (GSA) is an organization commissioned by the government to acquire and maintain commercial buildings for the federal government. We exercise responsible asset management, deliver superior workplaces, quality acquisition services, and expert business solutions. We also develop innovative and effective management policies.

At GSA, we are promoting energy efficiency around the country especially to other GSA regions and their respectable property managers. We are communicating the benefits of energy efficiency through ENERGY STAR by utilizing a web page on the Region 1 GSA website highlighting the progress of our energy initiatives. We also have a site that is interactive and shows the energy efficiency for the Frederick C. Murphy building in Waltham, Ma.

Using the EPA website we are informing building owners of energy initiatives that will save their buildings money by conserving more energy. Last summer, a member of Region 1 started a campaign to use only fluorescent light bulbs in Region 1's Tip O'Neill Building. This initiative was successful in highlighting the benefits of light bulb energy efficiency. We are also sharing the benefits of green roofs and solar panels.

Contact Information:
Cornelius Queen
617-565-5724 (phone) (email)