ENERGY STAR Challenge Participant Story

Fetter Printing Company
Louisville, Kentucky
Date Joined: June 25, 2008

The FetterGroup has been in business since 1888 and currently has 120 employees across two divisions: FetterLabel and FetterCMD. FetterLabel manages paint and coating label assets along with production and distribution services. FetterCMD manages content and fulfills perishable marketing materials for the individual healthcare insurance niche. As a participant in the ENERGY STAR Challenge, we are promoting energy efficiency to our clients, vendors, peers, and the local community.

Clients, vendors, and peers received a personal letter from our President and CEO encouraging participation in the Challenge, followed up with an information email. ENERGY STAR web banners with links are on both of our web sites. Furthermore, we are e-mailing targeted contacts within our client organizations each month with ENERGY STAR and DOE topical information sheets. Sales and Client Service staff are personally involved in many of these communications. Employees are also exposed to the Challenge with posters and "how to help at home" articles in every quarterly employee newsletter.

To reach the local community, we are co-sponsoring one of the Louisville Zoo's "Zootember" Events, specifically the night they are showing the "Horton Hears a Who" movie. At the event, FetterGroup volunteers will be disseminating the "Horton" activity books and tip sheets to the kids and a variety of home-oriented ENERGY STAR publications.

"Great acts are made up of small deeds." - Lao Tzu

Contact Information:
Trista Claxon
502-471-3766 (phone) (email)