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People With Disabilities

People With Disabilities

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is committed to increasing representation of qualified people with disabilities in all levels of its workforce. The Department's People with Disabilities Program is designed to ensure individuals with disabilities enjoy equal opportunity in all aspects of employment within DOT, including hiring, promotions and reasonable accommodation.

Dividing Horizontal Rule

People with Disabilities

The Disability Program at the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is part of DOT's effort to address the low employment rate of individuals with disabilities, especially those with targeted disabilities.  DOT is committed to increasing representation of qualified people with disabilities (PwDs) in all levels of its workforce.  The Department's Disability Program is operated out of the Equal Employment Opportunity Programs Division in the Departmental Office of Civil Rights.  It is our goal to ensure individuals with disabilities enjoy equal opportunity in all aspects of employment within DOT, including hiring, promotions, and reasonable accommodation.


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About Us

DOT is firmly committed to being a model employer of people with disabilities by providing a hospitable work environment that includes full accessibility, the provision of any necessary accommodations, and equal opportunity for jobs, promotions, training, and all other aspects of employment.  DOT has instructed managers to treat all applicants and employees with disabilities with respect and to recruit, hire, and promote individuals with disabilities based upon their qualifications and experience.  The Department has a centralized program for funding reasonable accommodations to enable applicants and employees with disabilities an equal opportunity to compete in the workplace.  DOT believes that an aggressive affirmative employment program of recruiting, outreach, and employee development directed toward people with disabilities has the potential to help the Department meet its workforce needs.


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Program Overview

The PwD program is managed by two offices in the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST):

Departmental Office of Civil Rights (DOCR)

  • The Disability Program Manager (DPM) in the Equal Employment Opportunity Programs Division examines personnel data and other information to identify barriers to full employment of people with targeted disabilities.  The DPM also provides training on disability laws and regulations of people with disabilities.

  • The Policy and Quality Control Division oversees the reasonable accommodation process to ensure that it complies with guidance from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Departmental Office of Human Resource Management (DOHRM)

  • The Disability Resource Center provides assistive technology and interpreters.  It also provides training on the use of assistive technology.

  • The Departmental Selective Placement Coordinator (SPC) leads efforts to recruit people with disabilities, especially those with targeted disabilities.  The SPCs also provide information on excepted appointment authorities for people with disabilities.

Program Objectives
  • Ensure that PwDs are proactively recruited in order to fill vacant positions at all levels of the DOT.

  • Help DOT meet its annual hiring goal for people with targeted disabilities.

  • Create a workplace environment where employees with disabilities are valued and respected.

  • Increase the number of PwD at all levels of the DOT workforce.

  • Identify and address any barriers to equal employment of people with disabilities at DOT.

Education Focus
  • Provide training for managers and supervisors on their responsibilities regarding the laws and directives concerning disabilities.

  • Provide to EEO counselors and mediators training on disability laws and issues.

  • Ensure that potential applicants have access to information on the excepted (non-competitive) appointment authorities for qualified applicants with severe disabilities.

Partnership Focus
  • Establish cooperative relationships with both internal and external organizations in order to recruit and employ qualified people with disabilities.

  • Ensure that the PwD Employment Program goals are fully integrated in DOT strategic planning.

  • Work with the Departmental Office of Human Resources Management and the Operating Administrations to ensure that DOT provides a welcoming environment for applicants and employees with disabilities.

Communication Focus
  • Encourage employees and managers to communicate issues and questions.

  • Publicize hiring goals and other initiatives throughout DOT.


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Disability Accommodation Procedures

DOT has an obligation under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, to provide reasonable accommodation to DOT employees and applicants with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation is one that is effective in addressing the functional limitation caused by a disability, regarding a specific duty or situation. It is a change or adjustment to the environment which allows an employee or applicant with a disability covered by the Rehabilitation Act to participate in all aspects of employment or engage in the application process. The requirement for accommodation of a disability covers all aspects of employment, including applying for a job, interviewing, performing critical functions, promotions, training, rotational and developmental assignments, as well as office and DOT events in and outside of DOT buildings. 



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Disability Program Managers Print this Table Only
Name Address Contact Number
Christy Compton, DOT DPM


Mail Stop: DOCR-S-32
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Room W35-202

Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-1884
Fax: (202) 366-5575
Mandy Haltrecht
ACR-6, Room 2E150
600 Independence Ave SW
Washington, DC 20591
Phone: (202) 385-8127
Fax: (202) 493-4341
Kirsten Poston
Mail Stop: HCR-10
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-9120
Fax: (202) 366-1599
Carolyn Butler
Mail Stop: MC-CR
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-3559
Fax: (202) 366-3477
Rhonda Murrill

Mail Stop: ROA10

Suite 7097
1120 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 493-6011
Fax:  (202) 493-6009
Fax:  (202) 493-6481
Dorothy Easley


Mail Stop: TAD-30
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE

Room E42-338
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-2517
Fax: (202) 366-7890
Martin Lis

Mail Stop: MAR-360
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE

Room W28-215
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 366-5116
Fax: (202) 366-3791
Craig Borne


Mail Stop: NCR-110
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE

Room W43-403
Washington, DC 20590

Phone: (202) 493-0627
Fax: (202) 493-2990
Samuel Davis, Jr.
Mail Stop: JM-20
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-1444
Fax: (202) 366-2003
Scott Holland
Mail Stop: DCR-1
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-0002
Fax: (202) 366-0506
Kimberly Webb
Mail Stop: RTAD-21
Room E33-313
1200 New Jersey Ave, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Phone: (202) 366-4948
Fax: (202) 493-2933
Vicki Garcia
180 Andrews St
Massena, NY 13662-0520
Phone: (315) 764-3208
Fax: (315) 764-3235
Cynthia McClam
Suite 882
1925 K St NW
Washington, DC 20423
Phone: (202) 565-1691
Fax: (202) 565-9019
Federal Relay Service TTY: (800) 877-8339
Voice/Hearing: (800) 877-8339
VCO: (800) 877-6280
Speech-to-Speech: (877) 877-8982


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Disability Advisory Council

To assist DOT in identifying effective strategies to increase employment of persons with disabilities at all levels of our workforce, the department established a ONEDOT Disability Advisory Council. The Council's charge is to provide advice, guidance, and recommendations, through the DOCR Director, to assist management in the development of effective policies and programs to positively impact recruitment, hiring, development, retention, and advancement of persons with disabilities, especially those with targeted disabilities.

If you would like to share an issue or a concern, make a recommendation, or report a barrier for individuals with disabilities in the DOT workforce, please contact Christy Compton, Departmental Disability Program Manager, at or contact any member of the Disability Advisory Council.

Disability Advisory Council Members Print this Table Only
Member Agency Phone Number
Craig Borne NHTSA (202) 493-0627
Trish Day DOT/ADA (202) 366-6562
Kimberly Castillo FAA (202) 385-8130
Carolyn Butler FMCSA (202) 366-3559
Martin Lis MARAD (202) 366-5116
Gail Edwards DEAF/DOT (202) 366-6562
Vicki Garcia SLSDC (315) 764-3200
Rosanne Goodwill FRA (202) 493-6012
Elvia Mata FHWA (202) 366-1593
Rick Mayronne OST/DBE (202) 366-5341
Scott Holland PHMSA (202) 366-0002
Kirsten Poston DEAF/DOT (202) 366-9120
Dawn Sweet OST/DOCR (202) 366-1829
Elani Triantafell DOT/ADA (202) 366-0164
Alison Levy OST/DOHRM (202) 366-5305
Vacant RITA (202) 366-1732
Kathleen Blank Riether OST/OGC (202) 366-9353
Michael Virts FTA (202) 366-0814
Technical Advisors Office Phone Number
Linda Cross DRC (202) 366-2291
Brenda Gilliam OST/OGC (202) 366-6984
Caffin Gordon DOCR (202) 366-9370
Christy Compton DOCR (202) 366-1884



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Doing Business with DOT

DOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
DBE Certification Appeals Program


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Disability Policy and Regulations


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Contact Information:

The DOT PwD Employment Program welcomes your comments, especially comments on how we can improve our web site. Comments on specific programs will be forwarded to the responsible office within the Departmental Office of Civil Rights. We strive to respond to every comment with an answer or an appropriate referral as quickly as possible. Most comments will be responded to within 10 business days.

Please help us to answer your request by including a correct e-mail address. If you are referring to a specific page within this web site, please include a link or title for the site.

People with Disabilities Employment Program
U.S. Department of Transportation
Department Office of Civil Rights

Mail Stop: S-32
1200 New Jersey Ave, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20590

Phone: (202) 366-1914
Fax: (202) 366-7717


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Skip past this list of links pertaining to DOT Policies and Directives

Disability Library

DOT Policies, Directives, and Reports Print this Table Only
DOT's Management Directive 715 Report to EEOC, Targeted Disability Sections web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
Equal Opportunity Policy Statement web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
Fiscal Year Hiring Goals web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
Procedures for Processing Reasonable Accommodation Requests by DOT Job Applicants and Employees with Disabilities web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
Responsible Parties in the Reasonable Accommodation Process web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
The Role of Employees with Disabilities During an Emergency web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
The Role of Safety Personnel During an Emergency web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF
The Role of Supervisors During an Emergency web page logoHTML Pdf logoPDF


United States Codes

Civil Rights, 42 USC Ch 21
This act covers the following civil rights topics of institutionalized persons, public accommodations, public facilities, public education, federally assisted programs, equal employment opportunities, registration and voting statistics, community relations service, and miscellaneous provisions.

Employment of Individuals with Disabilities, 29 USC 791
This law regulates that federal agencies must have affirmative action plans to assist in the employment of individuals with disabilities.

Equal Employment Opportunities, 42 USC 2000e
This law covers the areas to which equal employment opportunity is applicable.

Equal Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities Act, 42 USC 12101
The act prohibits the discrimination against individuals with disabilities in areas such as employment, housing, public accommodations, education, transportation, communication, recreation, institutionalization, health services, and access to public services.

Prohibited Personnel Practices, 5 USC 2302
Prohibited Practices outlines procedures that are not allowed within government employment. It also dictates what factors (age, sex, race, etc.) that cannot be used in determining employment.

Rehabilitation Act General Provisions, 29 USC 701 This provision was designed to help eliminate discrimination in areas such as employment, housing, public accommodations, education, transportation, communication, recreation, institutionalization, health services, and public services, along with the goals to facilitate these provisions.

Telecommunications Act of 1998, PL 100-542, 40 USC 762a
This act assures that the Federal telecommunications system will be fully accessible to hearing-impaired and speech-impaired individuals.

Skip past this list of Codes of Federal Regulations that deal with People with Disabilities
Codes of Federal Regulations

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines for Transportation Vehicles, 36 CFR 1192
This regulation provides guidelines for transportation vehicles. These guidelines have been adopted by the Department of Transportation in regards to mass transit.

Equal Employment Opportunity (Federal Sector), 29 CFR 1614
This regulation governs how to handle equal employment opportunities and complaints within the federal sector.

Skip past this list of Public Laws that deal with People with Disabilities
Public Laws

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, PL 101-336
This law establishes a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, PL 101-336
This law establishes a clear and comprehensive prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability. (Overview of Individual Titles by the National Rehabilitation Association)

Civil Rights Act of 1991, PL 102-166
This law was created to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to restore and strengthen civil rights laws that ban discrimination in employment, and for other purposes.

No Fear Act

Skip past this list of links to websites that deal with People with Disabilities
Related Websites

Americans with Disabilities Act Home Page

Department of Justice

Department of Justice Civil Rights Division

Department of Transportation Disabilities Resource Center

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

National Council on Disability

People with Disabilities Employment Initiatives (Office of Personnel Management)

White House Initiatives on People with Disabilities

Resources for People with Disabilities

The following organizations can provide information and/or assistance on various issues related to jobs, education, and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. We offer this list as a resource to applicants, employees, and managers. Please note, however, that each of these organizations serves a different purpose, so we suggest that you explore the web sites before calling them.

Resources for People with Disabilities Printer this Table Only
Organization Address Contact
American Association of People with Disabilities 1629 K Street NW
Suite 503
Washington, DC 20006
(800) 840-8844
(202) 457-0473
Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) 107 Commerce Center Drive, Suite 204
Huntersville, NC 20878
(704) 947-7779
(704) 948-7779
Business Leadership Network 1501 M St., N.W.
7th floor
Washington, DC 20005

Careers and the Disabled 445 Broad Hollow Rd. Suite 425
Melville, NY 11747
(631) 421-9421 
(631) 421-1352
Center for Disability Information & Referral 2853 E 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47408
(812) 855-9396 

Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program (CAP) 5111 Leesburg Pike
Suite 810
Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 681-8813
(703) 693-6189
(703) 681-9075
Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Government P.O. Box 76087
Washington, DC 20013


Employment Assistance Referral Network (EARN)   Phone:
(866) 327-6669
Goodwill Industries International 15810 Indianola Dr
Rockville, MD 20855
(800) 741-0186

The Inter-National Association of Business, Industry, and Rehabilitation P.O. Box 15242
Washington, DC  20003 
(202) 543-6353
Institute for Community Inclusion 100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125
(617) 287-4300
(617) 287-4350
(617) 287-4352
Job Accommodation Network   Voice:
(800) 526-7234
(877) 781-9403
National Aphasia Association 350 Seventh Ave.
Suite 902
New York, NY 10001 
(800) 922-4622
National Association of the Deaf 8630 Fenton St.,
Suite 820
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3819
(301) 587-1788
(301) 587-1789
National Business and Disability Council 201 I.U. Willets Rd
Albertson, NY 11507
(516) 465-1516

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 400 Maryland Ave SW
Mail Stop PCP-6038
Washington, DC 20202
(202) 245-7640
(202) 245-7323
The National Organization on Disability 888 16th Street, NW
Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 293-5960
(202) 293-2822
(202) 293-7999
National Parent Network on Disabilities 1130 17th St. N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Office of Disability Employment Policy U.S. Dept. of Labor
200 Constitution Ave N.W.
Washington, DC 20210
(877) 633-7365
(877) 889-5627
Scleroderma Foundation 300 Rosewood Dr.
Suite 105
Danvers, MA 01923
(800) 722-HOPE
(978) 463-5809
Sensory Access Foundation
300 West Iowa Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 245-7330
(408) 245-3762
U.S. Access Board 1331 F Street, NW
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004-1111
(800) 872-2253
(800) 993-2822
United Spinal Association 75-20 Astoria Blvd
Jackson Heights, NY 11370
(800) 404-2898
(718) 803-0414
United States Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration 400 Maryland Ave SW
Washington, DC 20202-2800
(202) 245-7488

United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs 400 Maryland Ave SW
Washington, DC 20202-7100
(202) 245-7459

United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Clinical Programs and Initiatives 810 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 20420

Virginia Commonwealth
Work Support
1314 West Main St
P.O. Box 842011
Richmond, VA 23284-2011
(804) 828-1851
(804) 828-2494
(804) 828-2193
Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP)
World Association Of Persons With Disabilities 5016 Alan Lane
P.O. Box 14111
OKC, OK 73135
(405) 672-4440
(405) 672-4441


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