Office of Disability Rights
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Office of Disability Rights

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About ODR
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Ask the Director
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ADA Compliance
ADA Training
  Complaints &
Olmstead Planning
Sign Language Interpreter Services
Reasonable Accommodations Funding Program (DC Government Agencies Only)
Hide sub-linksINFORMATION
Manual Accommodating Employees With Disabilities
DC Effective Communication Policy
ADA Compliance Assistance Form
ADA Compliance Guides and Resources
Disability Rights Laws
Frequently Asked Freedom of Information Act Materials
Frequently Asked
ODR Informational Sheet
Training Request Form
Office of Disability Rights

Rectangular shaped logo; dark blue background.  Left side:
 Block lettering (white) reading “ODR”; equivalent Braille symbols 
(white) underneath respective letters.  Right side: 
Modern international (wheelchair) symbol of accessibility
 (white) superposing the symbol of District of Columbia flag (red). 
 Along the bottom: Reads District of Columbia Office of Disability Rights (white).



  • ADA Compliance
  • ADA Training
  • Discrimination Complaints and Investigations
  • Olmstead Planning 
  • DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities
  • Sign Language Interpreter
        Services (DC Government Agencies Only)
  • Reasonable Accommodations Funding  Program (DC Government Agencies Only)

  • Information

  • Manual Accommodating Employees
      With Disabilities
  • DC Effective Communication Policy
  • ADA Complaint / Assistance Form
  • ADA Compliance Guides and Resources 
  • Disability Rights Laws
  • Frequently Asked Freedom of Information
        Act Materials
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • ODR Informational Sheet
  • Related Links and Resources
  • Training Request Form  

    "DC: One Community for All” – Olmstead Draft Plan is Available for Review and Public Comment
    The Office of Disability Rights is pleased to present the “DRAFT” version of the Olmstead Plan. In the spirit of independence, DC: One Community for All focuses on each individual’s right to choose where they want to live in the community. Full Text
    Office of Disability Rights Provides Testimony at the Agency Performance Oversight Hearing on February 23, 2009
    Acting Director Derek K. Orr testified before the Committee on Government Operations and the Environment and Councilmember Mary Cheh. Full Text
    ODR FY09 Fall Quarterly Update is Available
    The Quarterly Update provides ODR’s progress and achievements in the three months for the period between October – December 2008. Full Text
    New DC Government Manual Accommodating Employees With Disabilities
    This manual provides guidance on how to reasonably accommodate District employees and applicants for positions within the District government. Full Text


    Office of Disability Rights
    441 4th Street, NW, Suite 729 North
    Washington, DC 20001 
    (202) 724-5055  TTY: (202) 727-3363