Western Area Power Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Energy, CRSP Management Center. Background photo banner shows a river bend in rural setting.
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Power Marketing & Contracts in CRSP


Developing Marketing Programs

The CRSP MC markets power, transmission, and ancillary services from the Colorado River Storage Project, Rio Grande Project, Collbran Project, Falcon-Amistad Project, and the Provo River Project. Marketing plans and contracts are administered by our staff to maximize the use of the project resource and minimize the cost of providing the services.

As the electicity market in the western United States evolves, new products or services are developed, along with new ways of doing business. The CRSP MC will strive to make new products and services available to our customers to meet their needs. If environmental analysis or public involvement is required, our representatives will ensure these requirements comply with applicable laws and meet customers' needs. Customer input will be sought and included in developing programs. Rules or procedures will be written concisely and clearly. Charges or rates will be developed and set forth in a manner easy to understand and apply.