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Methamphetamine Use Among Adult Arrestees: Findings the DUF Program

November 1996
Methamphetamine Use Among Adult Arrestees: Findings the DUF Program reports on trends in methamphetamine use, based on data from NIJ's Drug Use Forecasting (DUF) program. In the DUF program, arrestees in 23 major cities across the country are tested on a regular basis for evidence of recent use of several drugs, including methamphetamine. DUF data have demonstrated that more than half of all adults arrested and booked in the 23 sites for serious crimes tested positive for use of drugs. Highest rates of methamphetamine use were found among arrestees in far Western and Southwestern cities, though the data suggest some expansion into the Midwest. White arrestees are much more likely than black or Hispanic arrestees to test positive for methamphetamine; female arrestees are more likely than male arrestees to test positive.