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Social Security Online

Social Security Handbook

SSA Handbook Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home 1734. Can wages be credited to your record even if you cannot obtain any evidence of wages?

If you cannot obtain evidence of wages, we may accept your statement as to the amount of wages and credit your earnings record if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The year in question is 1978 or later;

  2. Only one year is involved in the allegation;

  3. The year in question is not the current year or the year immediately preceding the current year, i.e., the "lag" year;

  4. There are postings from the same employer in the year immediately before and/or after the year in question;

  5. The amount of earnings alleged is consistent with the earnings posted both prior to and after the year in question;

  6. All attempts to obtain any other evidence have been exhausted;

  7. No contradictory evidence exists; and

  8. In claims cases, the missing wage amount affects insured status or the benefit amount.

Last Revised: March, 2001

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