New York Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
                                                             Governor David A. Paterson
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Welcome to the New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC)

Important News!

The E-Bulletin is now the… DDPC Monthly Update

We’ve looked to create a more communicative name for the DDPC E-Bulletin…and what name could be more communicative than the DDPC Monthly Update!

So, effective with the February issue our E-Bulletin, the name becomes the DDPC Monthly Update!. Essentially it has always been a Monthly Update…an update of State, Federal, local news, plus articles, information, many things to many people, but always, no matter how you looked at it, an update, a Monthly Update!.

We hope that those of you who currently subscribe to the DDPC Monthly Update! will tell your coworkers to sign-up…tell your friends and neighbors to sign-up as well! At the DDPC we’re looking to reduce costs by eliminating printed materials so we want to take full advantage of electronic media like the DDPC Monthly Update!, and we want you to benefit from that same advantage. So pass it on…now is the time to sign-in, sign up and save with the DDPC Monthly Update!!

The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council is a federally funded state agency working under the direction of Governor David A. Paterson.

The DDPC is responsible for developing new ways to improve the delivery of services and supports to New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and their families. The Council focuses on community involvement, employment, recreation and housing issues faced by New Yorkers with developmental disabilities and their families.

The DDPC affects positive systems change through grant programs that fund such activities as:

  • Demonstration programs
  • Training for families and staff
  • Outreach to unserved and underserved populations
  • Support to communities
  • Interagency collaboration and coordination
  • Systems design and redesign

To a large extent, DDPC programs are developed in direct response to the concerns and ideas voiced by consumers, families, service providers, policy-makers and other professionals.

Mission Statement

The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC) in collaboration with individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, caregivers and policymakers provides capacity building by promoting policies, plans and best practices that:

  • Affirm the dignity, value, respect, contribution and worth of all New Yorkers with developmental disabilities.
  • Support full participation of people with disabilities in society.
  • Uphold equality and self-determination for all.
  • Promote access to research and information needed for informed decision making.
  • Convene individuals with disabilities, family members, service providers and others to learn from each other to promote promising system changes.

Meets NYS Standards for Web Accessibility

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"The New York State Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (herein NYSDDPC) neither warrants the fitness of, nor endorses the use of, any product, service or organization indicated within this or any peripheral or linked document, publication, audio or video file. The NYSDDPC does not endorse statements by non-NYSDDPC Staff contained herein."

Copyright © 2006 NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council
Last Updated January 22nd, 2009