Western Website gets makeover

Powert tools illustrationWith a clean new look and improved organization, Western's Website has become easier to use and less cluttered.

The entire Website underwent a design change to improve form and function. The homepage now features an easy-to-use diagram of the Website at the top of the page, and an index at the bottom. Both list links to every major part of Western's organization.

Access to regions

For example, users can connect to any of Western's regional offices, including their energy services programs. There is also access to Western's Corporate Services Office in Golden, Colo., information on doing business with Western, and a link to Western's energy services Website.

At the top of the homepage there is a link to the latest news releases from Western, keeping users informed about recent activities throughout the organization. Press releases currently date from September 1997.

Annual report excerpts

Clicking on "About Western" provides access to even more useful information, such as excerpts from Western's 1996 and 1997 Annual Reports. This page also features a biography of Western's Administrator, Mike Hacskaylo, and information about our strategic plan, vision, and mission, along with fact sheets highlighting specific programs.

Clicking on "Regions" takes users to a map showing Western's various regions, along with information on how to contact each office, while "Power Marketing" connects to a page that currently features a copy of Western's Open Access Tariff.

Other information accessed from the homepage includes "Doing Business with Western" and "Jobs." A "Feedback" button allows users to ask questions to offer feedback on the site. Visit the improved site today to see what's new.

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