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South Carolina

Hydra Platforms Manufacturing, Inc., Rock Hill, SC, Honored with Presidential E-Award for Exporting

Hydra with Bush

On Thursday, May 24, the U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez joined President Bush at the White House to present Hydra Platforms Manufacturing, Inc. of Rock Hill, S.C. with the Presidential “E” Award for excellence in exporting.  Accepting the award were Mr. Garth McGillewie, Sr., Chairman and Founder of Hydra Platform, Mr. Garth McGillewie, Jr., President, and Mrs. Cynthia McGillewie, Treasurer.  Also attending the award ceremony were Sr. International Trade Specialist Jayne Woodward, Cynthia and Garth Sr.’s daughters, Laura and Sharmaine, and Garth Jr.’s wife, Kimberly.

Exports create good high paying jobs here in South Carolina, and Hydra Platforms Manufacturing, Inc. is at the forefront of innovation and competitiveness," said Gutierrez. "I commend Hydra Platforms Manufacturing, Inc. for helping to grow new markets around the world.” The “E” Award is the highest honor the federal government can give to an American exporting company.  The award serves to recognize U.S. firms for their competitive achievements in world markets and their part in increasing U.S. exports abroad.

This marks the 45th Anniversary of the Presidential E-Award created by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. The President's "E" Award may be given to persons, firms, and organizations engaged in the marketing of products that make significant contributions to the expansion of the export trade of the United States.

Hydra Platforms is a small business that has approached the international market by researching and adapting their product to maximize its success in export markets.  Their increase in export sales is impressive, as is their percentage of export sales to total sales--export sales increased from $302 thousand in 2002 to $1 million in 2005, an increase of 231 percent.  Twenty-five percent of jobs are attributable to exporting, which is high for such a small company. 

The company has worked extensively with the U.S. Commercial Service, and has shown a great commitment to establishing its name and its reputation overseas. Hydra Platforms has been a client of the U.S. Commercial Service Office in Columbia since the early 1990's when they first sought assistance in developing overseas contacts.  Sr. Trade Specialist Jayne Woodward has worked extensively with this company to help them identify potential buyers for their platforms.  Hydra has utilized numerous U.S. Commercial Service programs throughout the development of their export marketing plan including COMMERCIAL NEWS USA, the Gold Key Service, International Partner Search, customized contact lists, catalog exhibitions and value added counseling.