BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Publishing Team

Market Research

Publishing Guide CoverPublishing Market Research

Since 2007, the U.S. Commercial Service has put out our annual Publishing Industry Market Guide that includes market research reports from 30 countries. Our publishing specialists around the world produced these reports, which include information on publishing industry trends, opportunities for U.S. publishers, market statistics, industry contacts and more. These reports represent key markets of opportunity for U.S. publishers.

Looking for international sales channels, foreign publishers, agents or subagents? Interested in exploring potential international markets for your products, or simply looking to sell your rights overseas? This Publishing Industry Market Brief serves as a vital resource for the publishing industry and can help you make critical decisions about which markets to enter.

We are currently working on our 2009 guide and hope to have this by June. If you would like an electronic copy of the 2008 Publishing Industry Market Guide, please email