Customer Service

Customer Service Info


All of us at ATF want to provide our customers with the best possible service. If you do business with us, you can help by giving us your honest feedback. If we've not performed up to your expectations, we'd like you to tell us what went wrong so we can do better next time.

On the other hand, if we've done something you thought was great, we'd like to hear about that too. After all, we want to be sure to keep doing the things you think are worthwhile.

And, we welcome your suggestions. You know best what we might be doing to improve service to you.

Please send comments to In your message, please include the following information:

bullet Type of comment - compliment, complaint or suggestion

bullet ATF service provider to which your comments refer: General/Bureau-wide; Firearms, Alcohol, Tobacco, Arson and Explosives Division; National Revenue Center, etc.

bullet If you would like us to get back in touch with you, please include name and phone number or FAX.