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Measuring Conditions and Progress
Goal 3: Reduce Land Contamination


State of the Border Region Indicators Report 2005

Supporting Data for Land Indicators

Metadata Summary (PDF) (4 pp, 87K)
Data Tables (PDF) (5 pp, 218K)

Waste Tire Piles

The U.S.-Mexico border region has a history of health and environmental issues concerning the management of scrap tires. One of the original objectives of the Border 2012 program is to clean up three of the largest sites containing abandoned tires in the U.S.-Mexico border region. A measure of progress toward this goal is the percent of tires removed from the estimated abandoned waste tire piles (English (PDF) (1 pg, 755K) | en Español (PDF) (1 pg, 756K), Data Table (PDF) (2 pp, 132K), Metadata (PDF) (1 pg, 46K). As of December 2005, over two million tire piles had been removed. The U.S.-Mexico Border 2012 Waste Policy Forum has developed the Scrap Tire Integrated Management Initiative (PDF) (6pp, 124K) document that lays out the general goals and future activities for Border 2012 scrap tire initiatives.

Pesticide Use

One of the objectives of the Border 2012 program is to improve institutional and infrastructure capacity for waste management and pollution prevention as they pertain to hazardous and solid waste and toxic substances along the U.S.-Mexico border region. Use of pesticides in the border region (English (PDF) (1 pg, 897K) | en Español (PDF) (1 pg, 899K), Data Table (PDF) (2 pp, 331K), Metadata (PDF) (1 pg, 34K) for agriculture is widespread. One measure of progress toward the Border 2012 goal of improved waste management and pollution prevention concerns the training of workers and instructors in the safe handling of pesticides. Indicators include the number of farmworkers trained in safe pesticide use in the U.S. side of the border region from 2003 to 2005 (English (PDF) (1 pg, 385K) | en Español (PDF) (1 pg, 383K), Data Table (PDF) (2 pp, 172K), Metadata (PDF) (1 pg, 33K) and the cumulative number of farmworkers trained from 2003 to 2005 (English (PDF) (1 pg, 303K) | en Español (PDF) (1 pg, 307K), Data Table (PDF) (2 pp, 80K), Metadata (PDF) (1 pg, 76K).

Refinements Since 2007

Border Waste Policy Forum

For more information on the activities of the Border 2012 Waste Policy Forum including border scrap tire projects, forum meetings and other projects please consult the Waste Policy Forum webpage.

The Border Indicators Task Force is supporting the Border Waste Policy Forum in its efforts to update the 2005 indicators and add additional indicators of the reduction of land contamination.

If you would like to get involved, please send an email to Steve Young (Young.Steve@epa.gov).

Contact the Border Indicators Task Force Co-Chairs

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