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Last updated: February 05, 2004
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Please give us your comments!

Comments provided by honored guests

The forum is very impressive and its format is very informative.
Mike Collins
Governing Board Member
South Florida Water Management District

"The material presented in this forum should go a long way to demonstrate that the coordination team and integration of the science supporting South Florida Ecosystem Restoration and its links to managers and policy makers is precedented. Nevertheless it is still a half-full glass and much remains to be done."

    Bradford E. Brown
    Southeast Fisheries Science Center
    National Marine Fisheries Service
    (Working Group Member)

"The South Florida Restoration Science Forum was an overwhelming success! The South Florida ecosystem that runs from the Kissimmee River to the coral reefs off the Florida Keys is one of the most complex systems in the world, but as a result of the science forum I understand more about how it functions. If there was ever any question about the connectivity of the ecology, hydrology, and geology of the ecosystem let it suffice to say, the forum provided the answers to many of the complex questions in my mind.

As a resource manager, I now feel more fully equipped to make sound management decisions based upon the available science as it was presented at the 1999 forum."

    Billy D. Causey,
    Sanctuary Superintendent
    Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
    (Working Group Member)

"The forum was very well put together. For those of you who were not there, please allow me to describe it. It was held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Boca Raton. The entire lobby and first three floors (including guest rooms) were filled with exhibits. Each room had a research theme. You could visit and learn about nearly every facet of scientific research (from Panther tracking to looking at Periphyton algae through a microscope). Actual researchers were on hand in each room to answer questions of the managers. In my opinion, the very fact that the researchers were able to directly interface with the managers (one on one) accomplished the goal of improving the linkage between science and resource management."

    Truman Eugene (Gene) Duncan
    Water Resources Director
    Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
    (Working Group Member)

"It is with great pleasure that we express our congratulations for a job well done. Our members who attended this activity were most impressed with the amount and quality of the work demonstrated by the various groups and individuals doing research on Everglades Restoration. We do wish that more people had taken advantage of this excellent event. Again, congratulations for a job well done."

    Manley Fuller
    Florida Wildlife Federation

"My girl scouts all agreed that two hours just wasn't enough time to see the exhibits. The forum had lotS of information concerning the environment and environmental issues that they were concerned about. They were pleasantly surprised to see so many women exhibitors. It is very important for the girls to be exposed to women in careers. This was an excellent opportunity for them to be able to interact with professional scientists who were also women.

The girl scouts enjoyed all the exhibits. They especially enjoyed the exhibits where they:

  • heard the invasive history of the exotic Asian Swamp Eel and were able to see and touch live eels;
  • saw computer tracking images of the panther and learned how important the public lands and green belt policies are for preserving the panthers and other endangered species; and
  • built a park and created a forest fire by using a computer model and discovered that that there are many factors are involved managing and protecting natural resources.
I commend all the exhibitors for their patience and their willingness to share their scientific knowledge in a way that teenagers and non-scientists were able to understand and get a lot out of it. My girl scouts took a lot away with them.

They all would like the opportunity to attend another forum. The Palm Glades Girl Scout Council also asks that IT be informed of such forums so that others can gain from such valuable developmental opportunities."

    Girl Scouts
    Marilyn Thayer
    Leader, Cadet Troop 891,
    Palm Glades Girl Scout Council

"The Forum underscores the commitment of the USGS to provide integrated, high-quality scientific information to resource managers who are working to resolve the complex problems of the Everglades. Scientific information has a vital role in restoration. It is the foundation of understanding upon which management decisions are based. Scientific understanding enables managers to predict the response of the system to management alternatives. The foundation of scientific understanding also provides the basis for decisions on performance standards which are the yardstick for measuring restoration success.

As important as science is to the restoration, science that isn't communicated to decision-makers has limited usefulness. The forum helped to transmit and communicate the science that has resulted from the efforts of all of the science activities to managers. It was a manifestation of the close collaboration that exists among the many agencies of the South Florida Restoration Task Force, Working Group and Science Coordination Team. The success of interagency efforts like this takes the dedication of many individuals and organizations. Cooperation and collaboration among agencies and between scientists and managers were readily apparent in the poster rooms, the selection of topics, and in the panel discussions. The USGS was grateful for the presence of members of the South Florida resource management community. Their feedback to scientists about the uncertainties that confront them everyday, and the special problems they face in restoring south Florida over the long term is important in determining the scientific program for the future."

    Dr. Bonnie A. McGregor
    Associate Director for Programs
    U. S. Geological Survey

"The format of the meeting, while certainly unique, provided the participants an opportunity to gain considerable insight into the scientific as well as the management aspects of the entire South Florida restoration effort. Such a dual approach lays the foundation for enhanced communication among all those involved in the monumental effort and should generate continued dialogue and a better approach toward meeting the challenges that lie ahead in South Florida. It was a pleasure to observe scientists and managers in such good communication."

    Wanda C Meeks
    Regional Hydrologist
    U. S. Geological Survey
    South Region, Norcross, Georgia

"The conference was the best three days I've spent in South Florida in along time. The discussions were productive, educational and informative and will assist me greatly in performing my duties as the Jacksonville District Engineer.

Additionally, being able to talk directly with the scientists about issues and challenges that confront all of us was worth every penny spent. Next time, I will have more of my staff present and I will encourage scientists and engineers from around the entire Corps of Engineers to participate. It was a great forum (much better than I expected) and one that should be repeated annually. Hopefully some doors were opened here between the managers and the scientists that again will never close again."

    COL Joe R. Miller
    District Engineer
    Jacksonville District
    Corps of Engineers
    U.S. Department of the Army
    (Working Group Member)

"It was impressive to see the magnitude of studies and research going on within the Everglades Ecosystem and having all that information located at the Embassy Suites for three days. Although some of the exhibits were in separate rooms I would hope that there are no walls restricting communication between all the efforts. All the science needs to be heard."

    Fred Rapach
    Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department
    (Working Group Member)

"Forums such as this are vital communication mechanisms, not just for keeping managers and scientists informed of each others projects and progress, but also for getting (and keeping) the public sector involved. Schools, universities, museums and science centers can be major assets in helping to spread the news of a project as massive as restoration of the Everglades and the science involved.

As we stated in our evaluation report - hat's off and salutes to the organizers of the conference for a job very well done and thanks for allowing us to be a part of it."

    Jim Ressegieu
    Collections Management Coordinator
    Museum of Discovery and Science

"This type of a forum has never been done down here before on this scale. I think it has been an outstanding effort. I am amazed and excited, not only about the information being boiled down into the posters, but that the posters are now going to be on the Internet and the posters will be continuously available and able to be kept current. We should keep it going if not every year then every other year because we need this."

    Richard G. (Dick) Ring
    Everglades National Park
    (Working Group Member)

We encourage you to let us know what you think of the Forum and our website. Please use the form below to send us comments and suggestions. Thank you! (Please note: all fields are optional)

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 05 February, 2004 @ 03:05 PM (HSH)