Energy Services Bulletin banner
Vol. 25, No. 5, October 2006

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In this issue
bullet Energy Services Bulletin home page
bullet Solar power keeps L.A.'s Metro running in black and green
bullet Hospitals discover energy efficiency good for ailing budgets
bullet Teamwork helps small-town utility keep big customer happy
bullet Nucor energy teams tune up program with DOE assessment
bullet Energy efficient pool keeps Hemingford residents cool
bullet Utilities help local grocery stores find energy savings
bullet Many options available to make airports greener
bullet Insulation plant participates in DOE energy assessment program
bullet Western helps municipal, Federal agencies purchase RECs
bullet Power partnerships produce renewables education events
bullet Topics from the Power Line:
Restaurant could benefit from heat-pump water heating
bullet Energy shorts
bullet Technology spotlight:
Calculating energy savings of indoor swimming pool measures
bullet Calendar of events

Western joins Energy Star Change a Light program

Change a Light campaign poster
Energy Star provides promotional items like this poster to agencies participating in the "Change a Light, Change the World" campaign. (Photo courtesy of Energy Star)

October is Energy Efficiency Awareness month and Western is honoring it by participating in Energy Star's annual "Change a Light, Change the World" campaign, a national call-to-action that encourages individuals to help change the world, one light — one energy-saving step — at a time.

"We're encouraging every employee to change at least one light at home to one that has earned the government's Energy Star label for energy efficiency," said Ron Horstman, Western's campaign lead. "Our goal is to encourage a minimum of 400 employees to take the online Change a Light Pledge by October 31. Over the life of the bulb, that could potentially save 1,128 kWh and prevent 178,400 pounds of greenhouse gases," said Horstman.

Individuals who pledged to change a light in 2005 alone have the potential to save more than $2 million in energy costs and avoid more than 33 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. On a more intimate scale, replacing just five lights in the house with energy-efficient bulbs saves about $60 annually in energy costs.

Energy Star offers a pledge drive kit and promotional materials for agencies that want to join the Change a Light campaign. Also, Western's Energy Services program provides information on energy-efficient lighting through Energy Services Bulletin stories and Western's Power Line. The Equipment Loan Program offers a lighting display kit that Western customers can borrow to demonstrate the differences in lighting technologies.

Online Key Account Tool Box coming soon

A new tool to help Western customers identify energy-saving measures for their commercial and industrial accounts will be available online just as the winter heating season arrives.

The Online Key Account Tool Box is a joint project of APPA's Demonstration of Energy-Efficient Developments program, Southeastern Power Administration and Western. Washington State University's Energy Extension Program worked with the agencies to design the Internet-based tool to support utility representatives—the consumer's point of contact—and their key accounts.

The site includes news and links to useful and informative sites that any visitor can access. The "Members only" section features a database of thousands of information resources on energy efficiency, distributed generation, distribution efficiency, metering, utility safety and health issues, effective communications and innovative utility programs. Account representatives can browse resources and save them to a library cart for e-mail delivery to their key accounts. They can also sign up their key account customers for direct accesss to the Web site.

Western will preview the Tool Box at the APPA Customer Connections Conference, Nov. 7 in San Antonio, Texas. Watch the Energy Services Web site for more news about the Online Key Account Tool Box.

California Solar Initiative offers performance-based incentive

The California Public Utilities Commission adopted performance-based incentives for its groundbreaking California Solar Initiative, a 10-year, $2.9 billion program designed to build a bright energy future for Californians by promoting the use of solar power.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2007, solar energy systems greater than 100 kilowatts in size installed in businesses and other large facilities will be eligible for the incentive. Residential and small businesses consumers installing systems smaller than 100 kW will receive incentives based on each system's estimated future performance. Both mechanisms reward the selection and proper installation of high quality solar systems.

The decision implements the first phase of the California Solar Initiative, adopted by the PUC in January 2006. The initiative's goal is to increase the amount of installed solar capacity in the state by 3,000 megawatts by 2017. Offering incentives for small and large solar energy projects will help create a sustainable solar industry and boost solar power's long-term position in California's energy portfolio while immediately providing clean energy for residents and business owners.

The incentive program will be managed regionally by the existing self-generation program administrators—Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas Company and the San Diego Regional Energy Office. The administrators will develop a statewide online application to help simplify the process for solar applicants.

Updated Holiday Lighting fact sheet now online

Just in time for holiday decorating season, Western's Energy Services has updated its Holiday Lighting fact sheet.

The fact sheet offers businesses and homeowners tips for holiday decorating the energy-efficient way. A chart comparing lighting costs for standard C-7, LED and mini lights give the latest savings figures. A current list of Web sites for retail outlets that may carry energy-efficient decorations is also included.

While you are browsing through Energy Services publications, check out the rest of our fact sheet library. Topics to help residential customers save electricity include Energy-Efficient Water Heating, Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality, Energy-Efficient Home Cooling and How to Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances.

Commercial and industrial customers may be interested in fact sheets on pre-rinse spray valves, building commissioning and casino energy management. There are also fact sheets highlighting specific technologies such as fuel cells and infrared thermography.

Fact sheets are designed with space for Western customers to add their own contact information. Or, for a small charge, Energy Services can set up sheets branded with our customers' logo and ready to print. Contact your regional Energy Services representative for more information.

EPA becomes 100-percent green powered

The Environmental Protection Agency has closed a deal making it the first federal agency to purchase renewable energy, or "green power," equivalent to 100 percent of its annual electricity needs.

The agency recently signed a contract with West Coast-based 3 Phases Energy Services to purchase more than 100 million kilowatthours in renewable energy certificates. The agreement extends annual green-power purchases to more than 190 EPA facilities nationwide, and brings the agency total to nearly 300 million kWh per year. That is equivalent to 100 percent of the electricity EPA uses nationwide annually, and is enough electricity to power 27,970 homes for a year. "At EPA, we don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson.

The program offsets demand for conventional electricity sources by supporting such renewable energy sources as wind power, geothermal sources and biomass-primarily through the purchase of renewable energy certificates. The contract, which continues through Sept. 30, 2007, supports the development of wind farms in California, South Dakota, Oklahoma and Wyoming.

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Vol. 25, No. 5
October 2006

bullet Energy Star Change a Light, Change the World campaign
bullet Change a Light Pledge
bullet Change a Light pledge drive kit
bullet Change a Light promotional materials
bullet Western's Power Line
bullet Equipment Loan Program lighting display kit
APPA Demonstration of Energy-Efficient Developments program
Southeastern Power Administration
WSU Energy Extension Program
APPA Customer Connections Conference
bullet Western's Energy Services Web site
bullet California Public Utilities Commission
bullet CPUC Solar Initiative decision
bullet Pacific Gas and Electric Company
bullet Southern California Edison
bullet Southern California Gas Company
bullet San Diego Regional Energy Office
bullet Holiday Lighting fact sheet
bullet Energy-Efficient Water Heating fact sheet
bullet Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality fact sheet
bullet Energy-Efficient Home Cooling fact sheet
bullet How to Buy Energy-Efficient Appliances fact sheet
bullet Pre-rinse spray valve fact sheet
bullet Building commissioning fact sheet
bullet Casino energy management fact sheet
bullet Fuel cell fact sheet
bullet Infrared thermography fact sheet
bullet Energy Services regional representatives
bullet Environmental Protection Agency
bullet 3 Phases Energy Services
Ron Horstman
Previous issues
bullet Energy Services Bulletin, February 2006
Topics from the Power Line:
Saving energy, maintenance with LED exit signs