NCBI Logo NCBI >> SeqUtils >> Electronic PCR
forward epcr reverse epcr

What is e-PCR

e-PCR identifies sequence tagged sites(STSs)within DNA sequences. Using e-PCR, you can search for sub-sequences that closely match the PCR primers and have the correct order, orientation, and spacing.

What's new

Improved Search Sensitivity

You can use multiple discontigous words instead of a single exact word. Each of this word has groups of significant positions seperated by 'wildcard' positions. It is not required that these positions match. Also, it is now possible to allow gaps in the primer alignments. A fuzzy matching strategy reduces the likelihood that a true STS will be missed due to mismatches.

Reverse Searching

Searching the human genome sequence and other large genomes is now possible. The new version of e-PCR provides a search mode using a query sequence against a sequence database.

Pubmed References

Sequence mapping by electronic PCR.
Schuler,GD. (1997)
A web server for performing electronic PCR.
Rotmistrovsky K, Jang W, Schuler GD. (2004)

Run e-PCR locally

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Related Resources

Information about markers or Sequence Tagged Sites (STSs).

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Whole genomes of several eukaryotes. Over 1000 viruses and 100 microbes.

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Rapid searching of nucleotide and protein databases.

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