USAID/El Salvador
USAID/El Salvador


Government of El Salvador:

  • Legislative Assembly
  • Ministry of Governance
  • National Council for the Judiciary (CNJ)
  • Public Defender’s Office (PGR)
  • Social Investment Fund for Local Development (FISDL)
  • Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ)
  • Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE)
  • Attorney General's Office (FGR)
  • National Civilian Police (PNC)
  • Office of the Vice President of El Salvador
  • Office of Human Rights Ombudsman
  • Court of Accounts
  • Local governments

NGOs, PVOs, Private Firms:

  • COMURES - Corporación de Municipalidades de la República de El Salvador (Corporation of Municipalities of El Salvador).
  • RTI International - Research Triangle Institute
  • ICITAP – U.S. Department of Justice International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program.
  • Creative Associates International, Inc.
  • University of Texas at Austin.
  • DPK Consulting, Inc.
  • DevTech Systems Inc.
  • State Department, Public Affairs Office

Other Donors:

  • IDB - Inter-American Development Bank
  • UNDP - United Nations Development Program
  • GTZ - German Cooperation Agency
  • JICA - Japanese International Cooperation Agency
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