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How the Process Worksjump to text

How the Process Works
Form SSA-1372-BK
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Steps to Student Benefits


  Who... Does What...
Step 1
Step 1 is a picture of SSA Headquarters

SSA mails SSA-1372 to child 3 months before 18th birthday or child obtains an SSA-1372 from his/her local Social Security office.
Step 2
Step 2 is a picture of 3 Students Reviewing Form SSA-1372


Student completes SSA-1372 and takes it to school official for certification.

Step 3
Step 3 is a picture of Certifying School Officials


School Official certifies page 2 of the form, returns it to the student, and retains pages 3 and 4.

Step 4
Step 4 is a picture of a Local Social Security Field Office where the SSA-1372 is Processed


Student takes or mails completed and certified SSA-1372 to local Social Security office for processing.

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Last Reviewed or modified Wednesday Apr 01, 2009
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