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CFL Warranty


Use only on 120V 60Hz circuits. Do not use in totally enclosed indoor fixtures, but use in enclosed fixtures outdoors. This device is not intended for use in emergency exits, or dimming devices. Check with the manufacturer of the photocell
or timer for compatibility.

In addition to meeting strict energy efficiency and quality requirements, a CFL earning the ENERGY STAR must be backed by a manufacturer’s warranty.

  • For residential use: ENERGY STAR requires a minimum warranty of 2 years from the date of purchase.
  • For commercial use: ENERGY STAR requires a minimum warranty of 1 year from the date of purchase.

Warranties are void when CFLs are not used according to the caution statements listed on the packaging. Check out How to Choose and Purchasing Tips for more information.

Warranty guidance
  • If an ENERGY STAR qualified CFL fails before the end of the warranty, contact the manufacturer to inquire about a refund or replacement.
  • Save important information: receipts to document the date of purchase; the manufacturer’s contact information, such as the mailing address, phone number, or Web site address; and most importantly, the CFL model number.
  • If you no longer have this information, look at the CFL base to find the manufacturer’s name. Then contact information to inquire about a refund or replacement.
  • If all else fails, send information on early failures to cfl@energystar.gov. Include the manufacturer’s name, the product model number, and a description of where and how the bulb was used. ENERGY STAR representatives can help you locate the manufacturer’s contact information.